Chapter 19: Aloft

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My muscles ache, my head is pounding, my throat is dry, my joints are locked, and I have the worst burning sensation across my entire body.

“Neri, thank the Goddesses!” Link says, and brushes a stray lock of my brown hair out of my eyes.

“That must have been really hard on you, huh, Neri?” Midna asks from beside me. I can barely nod without my neck tightening.

Link smiles down at me, from my place on his lap. He holds me upright with his arms, and my bare legs dangle off his. My bikini is pretty much garbage now with all the stains that it has, unless I pray that the blood smears and dirt splotches come out. I should probably put on my clothes... But I’d probably lose consciousness before I get my sock on. Midna runs over and hands me the Goddess Sword and the moment I touch it, it glows and out pops the Servant of the Goddesses.

“I am grateful that you have returned, Mistress,” Fi congratulates. I give her a look, and she corrects herself. “I am grateful you have returned, Friend.”

Midna hugs my waist, and I bite my cheek so I don’t groan in pain. How could she not see the giant purple and green suction cup-shaped bruises across my body? Anyways, was everyone really this worried about me? I was gone longer than necessary, obviously, but to think they’d get this anxious?

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” Link beams at me. Picking me up, he gently carries me out of the hollowed tunnel behind the waterfall, and sets me on a patch of light green grass. Midna carries my hoodie, jeans, socks, and sneakers, and just Fi.

When I first came out of the cave pool and collapsed, Link didn’t make it to me in time so I have a lump on my right temple. But after a few minutes, I gained consciousness about approximately a minute ago.

For the next week straight, I was on strict bed rest. Link and Midna constantly catered to my every need, all while I recovered from my extremely sore muscles. All I did was watch the falls of Lake Floria and doodle, so I was about to go insane about forty minutes into my bed rest period. How I mainly passed the time was by thinking, pondering—whatever you want to call it—about Link. Lately he’s been acting strangely. Ever since Castle Town when he gave me my bow, he’s been acting different around me. He hugged me on numerous occasions, he’s calmed me when I panic, taken care of me when I’m injured and almost cries when I get hurt, and even kissed me. We’re like best friends. Whenever Link does dangerous things I always get protective, too.

On the second day, I really needed some alone time. Link and Midna went hunting, and I told Fi to go with them so they didn’t get lost. That same day, I realized that...I think I had a major crush on Link. But we could never be together. After making sure that everyone was out of earshot, I rolled over, hugged my knees to my chest, and cried. For maybe even an hour straight, probably more, I just let myself cry. When they came back my tears were dry and I looked fine, but I was pretty depressed and solemn for the rest of the day and didn’t say a word. That was yesterday, and right now I’m pulling on socks.

Midna saunters over to me while staring at the Water Crystal in my hand. It’s the exact same as the others, but this one’s tinted a light blue and has an air bubble where water spirals around and splashes in the small orb. It’s breathtaking, just like the others.

“So Neri, are you going to do that ritual yourself?” She stretches out her frail arms.

“I don’t know...” I tap my chin. “Am I supposed to pledge something to myself? Well, whatever. I’ll just wing it!” I give her my daring half smile, and she rolls her eyes.

“Fine, but when it backfires, I won’t be there to catch you.” Oh, Midna. Always so thoughtful.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Link pipes up from beside me.

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