Chapter 21: Allegiance

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“Link!” I scream, and run to the edge of Skyloft. He’s nowhere to be see. “LINK!” I cry at the top of my lungs, and collapse onto my front. He can’t be... Link can’t be dead...

My breaths heave and I struggle for oxygen, and feel hot tears streaming down my face. I clench my fist, and punch the ground repeatedly. I punch with more power than I ever thought I had, punching until my knuckles bleed. The bleeding doesn’t stop me. I stop when I hear something crack and shriek again—not in pain, but in agony.

Midna falls to her knees beside me, and just cries and sniffles. She can’t even say anything. She wipes her eyes continually, but just opens her mouth and wails. Fi looks down at the ground, and her cloak isn’t flying in the wind as usual.

As soon as I got pushed into the safe zone, all the Guardians, Watchers, Waking Water, and Silent Realm disappeared. We now stand in the true Skyloft.

“Hero, my ass...” Midna whispers from beside me. I barely turn my head, and I can barely see her with all the tears in my eyes. “Can’t even save yourself from a stupid Guardian... Stupid Link... Stupid Link!”

I grab Midna in my arms, and she doesn’t object. She latches onto my gray hoodie, and rubs her wet face into the fabric. I hug her tight, and cry into her hair.

“Whoa!” echoes in the wind, like it was said a million years ago but didn’t reach us until now.

My head lifts up. “Midna, did you hear that? Fi?”

“Neri!” The echo screams faintly, and have to strain to hear it. Link just can’t leave my mind. I’m even imagining his voice. His sweet voice... ”Midna! Fi!” I ignore it. I’m obviously the only hearing it, so I’m imagining it. It isn’t real.

I wipe my eyes on my sleeve, and stand up shakily. A blue glowing portal has appeared at the peak of the Light Tower, so I guess it’ll take us back.

“Come on, guys. Link wouldn’t want us to stand around wasting time,” I say, and my voice breaks off when I say his name. Midna clenches my hoodie tighter when I mention him.

“Wait!” the echo says. I wish it would just go away already... I’m tired of it. Tired of everything. I just want everything to end, and be done with. I want to wake up from this crazy dream, from this crazy reality. I’m done with it!

“Dammit!” I shout, and slam my fist into the tower again. The stone cracks a bit, and excruciating pain radiates through my arm, but not enough to satisfy me.

“Neri!” It yells again.

“SHUT UP!” I yell back, so loud my ears ring. “Shut up, shut up, shut up! No matter what, Link will always be gone! So just shut the hell up!”

As soon as I scream that, a huge red blur flies in front of me at such incredible speed that I fall onto my bottom. It flies towards the sun, then turns and dives towards us. I backpedal, and Midna comes out of my arms.

The red thing turns last second, and something hops off it. Something in green, with a heart-thumping smile, and blush-inducing eyes, with an adorable hat I’ve worn.


I stand there, in utter shock. We saw Link die, did we not?

No, we saw him fall. We never saw him die.

Midna stands beside me, her eyes the size of dinner plates. Fi floats, with no expression in her otherwise empty eyes. He mouths my name, and stands there, with a colossal crimson bird flying away behind him.

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