Chapter 13: Gem

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“Hey, I found one!” Midna screeches, and waves around her turquoise fist.

“No way! Really?” I ask incredulously.

“Mm hm,” she responds, full of pride.

“Show me, then!”

Midna holds out and opens her small palm, and in it lays a four-leaf clover. The leaves are perfectly green and wrinkle-free. She sees me staring at it, and snickers. “Jealous?”

“You wish!”

Actually, I am. I’ve only ever seen about three before this one, so this is rare considering that I’m seventeen. “You know, if you hold onto it and care for it, it’ll give you good luck.”

Midna gasps and her bright eyes widen. “Really? Sweet—I’m keeping this!”

The small clover disappears from her palm in a burst of blue and black squares, off to her realm where she keeps all her intriguing finds and important weapons of Link’s.

“What’re you guys doing?” a voice behind us calls.

Speak of the devil. He walks out of the golden-green mossy door in the behemoth-tree, ducking under the collapsed branch as he rambles over the tender moss.

“Hey Link, what took so long?” I get up and walk over to him, straightening my hoodie all the while.

“Link, look what I found!” Midna floats and flies over to him, and makes the clover reappear in her fingers. “Neri says it’s really rare, because most of them have three leaves! She says in her world, the four-leafed ones bring good luck!”

“That’s great, Midna. If it gives you luck, maybe you should give it to Neri,” he jokes.

“No way!” she yells, and hugs it to her chest, then makes it disappear again. I punch Link in the shoulder playfully, but the chainmail he wears under his tunic makes my knuckles crack. He doesn’t notice, but I try not to scream and act cool as I retract my pulsating fingers.

“So did you get that Earth Crystal?” I request.

He nods his head. “It’s right...” Link rummages in his pockets, and then his eyes widen. He pats his thighs and then turns to check his leather pouch. His hand movements become erratic as he searches his compartments.

Please tell me that he didn’t... Oh my god, he couldn’t have...

“You... You lost it?!” I nearly grab his neck and shake him senseless, but he pulls it out of his tunic.

Link’s azure eyes find mine and smile at my reaction. “Just kidding.”

I physically deflate almost instantly, and punch his shoulder again. One of my knuckles pop, and I try not to scream. Goddamn chain mail!

He holds it out to me. “Here, take it.”

In his palm lays a medium crystal, no longer than three inches. It’s the shape of a perfect marquise diamond, but much larger. The crystal is clear and tinted an emerald green, and inside it is a leaf—a little green leaf that’s about an inch long. It reminds me of a prehistoric bug preserved in amber, but this crystal has an ethereal beauty that seems much more appealing.

I reach out gingerly, afraid that it will break with just a touch. As my finger brushes the smooth surface, it stings me with an audible bzzt. My hand retracts and I shove my fingers in my mouth with a yelp.

“Neri? What the hell happened?” Link questions, wondering how I managed to be injured—again.

“It stung me!” I take my sore fingers of my mouth, and amazingly there isn’t a single burn or scratch, or even a blister or scar. What the hell is wrong with those things? They’re supposed to help us, not hurt us.

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