Chapter Fourteen: Arthur's lies

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Hi guys here is the next chapter and its all in Arthur's POV and its pretty short i believe but i hope you enjoy it anyway Uther slightly soft in this chapter lol oh and appearence by someone name beginning with L lol for someone i promised i add more of him in hehe

I do not own Merlin

Jane and Kira are mine



Arthur’s POV

Arthur had to admit when he first saw his best friend using magic he was angry, scared and worried but also like he had just had this massive secret stuck on his shoulders.

After talking to Gaius and Hunith they had made it clear to him that he would never hand over his friend to his father and he began to understand how magic was not evil all the time, some people used it for bad things but some people used it for good and his best friend Merlin was a clear example of that and so was Kira.

Arthur understood the truth now about magic and how it could be good to protect and use to heal people. Merlin also landed on him that he happened to be a dragon lord but what made his heart sink was when he told him how Balinor was his father and how Merlin had to watch his father die and he couldn’t tell anyone this because if he did his father would have executed Merlin because he could have the same power as his father and even if that was true that wasn’t the point.

Arthur understood now why his clumsy friend had been crying that day and all he had cared about was he would not be able to save them from the dragon and it made Arthur feel so much guilt and sadness towards his friend.

Merlin had clearly still not told Arthur everything and how could he there was probably plenty of times he had saved Arthur without him even knowing it. He also understood now how his friend who is just a servant had managed to find or get in to trouble and he understood why people wanted to take him or hurt him or kill him because he was the one pretty much every time someone attempted to kill Uther or himself Merlin had stopped them and to a lot of people with magic who wanted revenge on Uther thought Merlin to be a traitor but still he stood by his side like he always did with the kind, gentle and friendly heart he knew Merlin would never loose.

Merlin had never asked for  magic he was born with it that was what Hunith had said and even with the threat of being court and being killed he used it to protect Arthur because Arthur now knew that Merlin had a destiny to protect him until he became king and as much as Merlin could be a completely useless at times, stubborn and retaliates he wouldn’t want anyone else to take his place. Arthur knew there was something about Merlin the day he met him and now he knew why.

Arthur still had not broke the news to Merlin how much he meant to him and even if that might have been shown from Arthur being fine with the magic and not giving him to his father he needed Merlin to know and what better way to tell him then in the morning. Arthur had slept well even though he had worried slightly about what if he father did ever find out about Merlin and what he would do but he knew deep inside as much as he loved his father he would never let his father do that to his best friend.

Arthur still felt tired so even when he work up slightly he fell back to sleep ignoring the sun trying to get through the gap in his curtains. The door creaked open and Arthur heard his curtains being pulled open.

“Rise and shine” said Merlin loudly into the room.

“Merlin” shouted Arthur who chucked his hand to the side picking up whatever he felt and chucked it towards the curtains but he yelped in pain when he found the cup he had thrown at Merlin hit his head and glared at Merlin to see his eyes turn to there normal colour.

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