Just 5 weeks until the big day!

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Things were starting to get a lot more crazier with the wedding being only a month and half away. Ariana was busier than ever with many interviews and a couple shows here and there, but all in all her main focus was the wedding.

This day was a very special day because Ariana had her last fitting for her dress. She had made sure that this dress was perfect and just the way she wanted.

"Ok babe I'm going now. Text my mom and tell her and Nona that me and Alexa are heading down there right now" Ariana said to Sean.

"Alright I will, don't be too long because I want to spend time with you" he said causing Ariana to smile in response.

"Okay I love you" she said kissing him.

"I love you" he reciprocated.

A few hours and a bunch of tears later, Ariana was getting into her car about to head back to Sean's house.

When she walked into the house, she was greeted by loud music and some of Sean's friends. As she walked a little slower trying to see what was going on, she nearly tripped on the pair of heels lying on the ground.

Her heart instantly began to beat faster and her mind was filling with all these different ideas. She was angry at what she'd walked into, thinking Sean was having a little too much fun while she was out.

When she finally entered the living room it was empty but certainly filled with cups and food thrown everywhere.

"What the fuck went on here" she muttered to herself picking up some trash from the ground.

The thought of the pair of heels that she saw by the stair case was still floating in her mind and she wanted to know what the hell was going on.

She heard some muffled noises coming from the studio which led her to walk towards it slowly. When she finally caught her eye on Sean she felt a little relieved to see that he wasn't with a girl. Not that she could really get mad when she basically did the same thing 6 months ago.

Trying to get his attention, Ariana stood off to the side hoping Sean would catch her and come out to greet her but he didn't seem to notice her but instead chatted immensely with many of his friends.

As she was about to turn to leave, she was stopped by a girl. She looked not too young but definitely younger than Ariana. The girl was insanely gorgeous, blondish hair, fit body, red lips, all of which was making Ariana angrier and questioning what she was doing in her fiancées house in the first place.

"Hello" Ariana said rather awkwardly trying to seem as nice as possible.

"I'm Roland" she said holding out her hand for Ariana to shake. Ariana shook it politely still not saying anything.

"Um yea I obviously know who you are" the girl laughed lightly. "And you're probably wondering why the hell I'm in your fiancées house, but I promise I'm not here to steal your man" she continued, causing Ariana to smile shyly.

"Sorry I know I probably seem really bitch but yea I just didn't expect to come home to all this and I just thought..."- Ariana began.

"Yea I know what you thought but I promise I'm not here for that I'm actually here with Keith, one of Sean's friends, yea he's my boyfriend" Roland started. "Sean invited us over for a little get together and when I showed up her with Keith I was like the only girl so he told me I could make myself comfortable" she finished.

"Oh that's cool, uhh, do you know what this get together is for?" Ariana asked.

"I don't know for sure but I'm pretty sure he's working on some new music and I think he's having the guys listen to something he's making for you" Roland smiled.

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