Ch31 || Friends

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As I'm checking on my phone, someone sit next to me. I looked to see Seth.

Seth: "Hey Brie!" he greeted.

Me: "Hey Seth." I said as I looked back to my phone.

Seth: "How are you?" he asked.

Me: "Fine."

Seth: "How about Joe, how is he doing?"

I knitted my eyebrows as to why does he suddenly went to me and ask such questions.

Me: "Why don't you go look for him so you would know how he's doing." I snapped.

Seth: "Woah Brie. Calm down. Just asking. I know you're mad at Nicole, but I know she loves you. Because you're sisters after all."

My heart melted as I heard him say that. My love for my sister is stronger than hate.

Me: "How's Nicole doing?"

I can't help but to ask about Nicole.

Seth: "She's fine."

Me: "But she's mad at me now, isn't it?"

I asked and Seth just raised his eyebrow and smiled. Nattie and Naomi came by and sat across us.

Naomi: "Hey Briezy!"

Nattie: "Hey Seth!"

Seth: "Hey. So, I gotta get going. See you guys." he smiled and we nodded as he got up and walked away.

Nattie: "What's up with you and Seth?" she raised her eyebrow.

Me: "Oh, it's not what you think. He just ask about Joe. And I also ask how is Nicole doing."

Naomi: "Speaking of Nikki, we have a six divas tag team match tomorrow."

We talked and after the show ended, we went back to our hotel together.



After raw, Seth left to go to his midnight show. I went to the parking with my suitcase and head to my car. I put my stuff in the trunk and I waited for Dolph to come. I sat on the driver's seat and got my phone.

Dolph knocked on my car window and I rolled it down.

Dolph: "I'll drive."

Me: "I can manage, get in."

Dolph: "Nope. I won't let a pretty lady drive for me." he smirked.

Me: "Whatever!" I rolled my eyes and got to the passenger's seat.

Dolph drove to a bar. He parked the car and usually, he opened the door for me. We came in and sat on a booth. Dolph ordered drinks for us.

Dolph: "I think you and your sister's feud is getting personal?" as he hand me a vodka.

Me: "She's pathetic."

Dolph: "She's getting on you now huh?"

Me: "Yeah. Getting on my nerves." we laughed.

I took 3 glasses of vodka, and I'm starting to feel hot.

Me: "So, what about you? Mr. Intercontinental Champ.." I chuckled.

Dolph: "Oh you know. The usual."

Me: "How about AJ?"

Dolph: "Nikk, me and AJ were over. It's like a year I guess?"

Me: "You know, I really felt jealous when AJ and you got together..and I felt that your relationship with her is more serious than..what we have.. But.."

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