Chapter 18

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(A/N: Ignore the characters in the media, but that's kinda how the more country side of the demon realm looks. Or something or the other) 

-Ailith's POV-

Ailith couldn't help gasping at the scene in front of her.

It seemed as if they were in the centre of the earth. Large, colourful mushrooms, the shortest ones only half of Ailith's height, loomed around them. The world was an explosion of blues, greens and yellows.

They walked for half an hour until they finally saw other demons. According to Hunter, they had reached the outskirts of the kingdom.

Streets and houses started appearing, but the roads were cracked and dirty. They looked fairly similar to Earth.

As they walked into the streets, Ailith saw the most pitiful of sights.

Children, men, women and elder people were scattered everywhere in rags, either huddled together or scavenging bins. Their cheeks were hollow, and their faces were pale. They were bone thin under their clothes and their eyes were wide and bulging.

"Don't look at them," said Hunter under his breath.

"Then what do I do?" hissed Ailith. "It's kinda hard not to."

Hunter was silent for a moment before he spoke.

"How about tomorrow? There's one thing I need to ask you."

"Go ahead."

"Try not to be yourself."

Ailith was caught off guard. "Wait, what?" she asked, feeling slightly hurt.

"Besides being socially awkward and really weird, you can't afford to let anyone get to know you, or understand the way you think."

Ailith considered what he said carefully.

"Be that charming, smooth self that you are with Amar. Keep the conversation away from yourself."

"Conversation? The one thing I cannot do at all is make polite, pointless dinner conversations."

Hunter smiled and looked sideways at her. "It's not that hard. You're a girl aren't you? Talk about shoes or something."

Ailith made a face and shoved Hunter with her shoulder. "Shoes?"

He laughed, a sound which made her heart flutter illogically.

"Hey, the topic of fashion has nothing to do with your personality, therefore giving the person the wrong idea of your true self, right?"

"That is smart," muttered Ailith grudgingly. "But still stupid."

"Just act like the delicate flower you could never be, and you'll be fine."

Ailith recognised the line immediately and felt her cheeks warm slightly as she felt impressed.

"Insurgent, huh?"

"Divergent wasn't a bad book series," agreed Hunter. "The movies weren't that great, though."

"They were okay," shrugged Ailith. "Theo James is hot though."

Immediately, she mentally face-palmed. Ailith snuck a sideways glance at Hunter who had a slight tight jaw. Smooth, Ailith, real smooth, she scolded herself.

"We're almost in the main shopping area," said Hunter, slightly tersely.

The setting had changed now. The houses and roads had improved and looked newer.

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