Chapter 27

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-Ailith's POV-

Ailith had been in Lucifer's mansion for 4 days and had started to go crazy. She had finally given in to eating, but only the food that Calliope brought her.

Recently, Ailith's personal maid (whom she found was named Calliope), had showed her a huge library and an even larger training room.

Ailith was currently in the training room, wearing a blue tank and running shorts.

She had found that there were incredibly life-like simulations that you could activate. She could be fighting another beast, or be fighting thugs, or even in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

The best part? She could be injured and she could actually feel what she was hitting, meaning that she was getting a realistic experience, and amazingly better each time.

On the fourth day, Ailith was surrounded by four men, tall and buff. She easily beat them within a few minutes.

She was smart. Not fast or strong, but smart.

She could easily figure out someone's fighting pattern and knock them out accordingly.

It didn't matter how hard you hit someone, as long as you hit them in the right spot.

She temporarily paralysed one thug, knocked out the second one, and broke the third one's leg with a single kick.

Ailith was breathing heavily, blinking away the spots in front of her eyes, as the simulation died away and she was in the bright training room again.


She whirled around and held her arms up protectively.

Lucifer was leaning against the doorframe, still shirtless, with his large wings tucked behind him.

"Calm down," he said to her, straightening up.

Ailith dropped her fists, but didn't unclench them.

"Simulation 87," called out Lucifer, walking in.

Ailith noted that she had to manually choose a scenario, but the training room responded to his voice.

The training room died away and both Ailith and Lucifer stood in a lovely meadow. There was a blue sky, a shining sun and a gentle breeze.

That lasted for about five seconds, before there were sounds.

Thud... Thud... Thud...

A deep rumble echoed, and the ground shook beneath their feet with every thud.

"What-" began Ailith, before a shadow fell upon them.


Ailith listened to him and automatically crouched.

Less than half a second later, a claw swooped precisely where she was standing.

She bit back a scream and rolled forward, before jumping up just beside Lucifer.

"What is that?" she shouted as both of them dodged another claw.

A creature that could pass for an armoured Tyrannosaurus-Rex opened its jaws and let out a roar that almost knocked Ailith off her feet.

"A mega-class Periculum beast!" shouted Lucifer.

The beast blew out a huge jet of green flames.

"IT BREATHES FIRE?" she shrieked, dodging the jet.

"It is more lethal than fire!" yelled back Lucifer. "Aim for its eyes! That is the only place from which you can kill it!"

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