Chapter 15

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Ailith's eyes fluttered open as she felt her phone vibrate under her thigh.

She groggily pulled it out and stared at it, trying to comprehend what she was seeing.

The bright light in the relatively shaded area hurt her eyes.

Her Skype was going crazy. Somehow her 4G still worked, even though she was certain that they were far away from any sort of town.

She answered the video chat without really checking the caller ID.

Aaron appeared on the screen, acting like nothing had happened between them.

Ailith felt her heartbeat accelerate. Don't say anything stupid again, she silently begged him.

"Oh, hey," she said, noticing his huge grin and trying to match it.

"Guess what?" he said, practically bouncing, seeming to brush off the nervousness she knew he could see.

"What?" she asked softly, her forced smile slowly become natural.

"Mum's started getting better! She said my name. It's- It's impossible, but it happened!"

Aaron was raving with excitement.
Ailith laughed, despite her tiredness and her brain questioning his words.

"Congrats, really, mate. I wish I was there to see that."

Aaron's smile abruptly faded, and his eyes narrowed, his mouth twisting uncharacteristically. "Is that Hunter? Leaning on your shoulder?"

"What?" Ailith asked, confused. She then realised the warm weight on her shoulder; even though Hunter offered her his shoulder, he had fallen asleep on her.

A small smile of fondness spread on Ailith's face.

"I didn't realise," she said. Despite her okay mood, a small bubble of irritation was building up inside her. "I woke up from your call myself."

Aaron's face depicted obvious jealousy. "Make up your mind," he spat, his eyes angry. "Me, Amar, or him? You're putting yourself in a dangerous position."

And so are you, she felt herself want to reply.

Ailith instead frowned and opened her mouth to protest, but Aaron had already ended the call.

"Really," huffed Ailith, under her breath, stuffing her phone angrily back under her thigh. "Everyone has to be an effing asshole."

She felt Hunter stirring beside her, so she stopped swearing quietly. But despite it, he lifted his head.

"Huh?" he muttered, his head only a few centimetres from her shoulder.

He looked around for a moment, to get a hold of his surroundings, before he jerked backwards, as if being electrocuted.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" he snapped, flattening down his disheveled midnight hair.

"I've only been awake for five minutes myself," Ailith replied simply, not looking at him, not in the mood for arguing.

Hunter's expression softened, and for a moment he looked as if he had aged 10 years, looking exhausted and worn-out.

"How long until we get there?"

Ailith shrugged. "We've been out for only two hours at the most," she said, lifting the edge of a curtain with a finger to peek outside. "It's still pretty bright outside, so there's still a few hours until we reach wherever."

As she let go of the curtain and she finally looked at him, and regarded Hunter with suppressed amusement. He was bent over, pulling out frilly, dark clothes from a bag at his feet.

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