Chapter 5

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"Freak?" the blonde haired slut scoffed.

Vanessa turned to the boy behind her. He was obviously an angel, with curly golden blonde hair that curled around his ears.

"Uh," she began angrily, "I thought this was exclusive."

Ailith noticed a flash of irritation in his stormy grey eyes as he tried to console her.

"It is," he said, although politely. "I have explained to you what happens and who gets chosen."

The angel's eyes flitted toward Ailith and Hunter. "He must have picked her. At the end of the training period when we present you to the Kings, they will decide."

"But who could have picked her?" spat Vanessa, her pale blue eyes narrowed.

"Same thing I was wondering about you," Ailith said, sweetly before feeling a warm hand on her shoulder.

"Don't," she heard Hunter say under his breath. "They'll try to give you a reason to seem unstable. Don't give them that reason."

Hunter stepped away from Ailith, who had shuddered.

"Where are the others?" she repeated, ignoring Vanessa's stomach-churning face.

As if on cue, four other people walked into the room.

Another male angel with his companion, and a female demon with hers.

Soon the four humans, two girls and two boys, stood in a line, facing the two angels and two demons.

Like students facing their teachers.

"Now," said Hunter in a booming, authoritative voice. "You four have been observed and tested because our kinds are on the brink of war, and we believe one of you can help stop it."

One of the male angels began to speak, his hair was straight and white blonde, falling down to his elbows.

His huge wings were tucked behind him. He had pointed ears and a beautiful face, looking a lot like an elf from the Hobbit or Lord Of The Rings.

"We will be training you for three months. My name is Ithuriel, and I will be training Aaron," he inclined his head to a boy at the end of the line who looked as if he wasn't quite sure about what he was doing there.

"And my name," spoke up the female demon, "Is Krystal. I shall be training John."

She looked at the other boy of the group, a blond haired boy with glasses, a stern look on her face.

Despite his innocent expression, Ailith noticed the muscles and build of a basketball player and felt herself swallow a forming lump in her throat.

Krystal herself had dark auburn hair and her eyes were identical to Hunter's, only an odd leaf green rather than red.

Ailith realised with a jolt, that she was very beautiful. With her high cheekbones and milky skin, and strong grace and confidence, Ailith felt chunky and clumsy.

"My name," said the angel who had chosen Vanessa, "is Amar. I shall be training Vanessa."

He trained his cold eyes on Vanessa, and nodded his head.

"I am Hunter Ramìrez," introduced Hunter, "and I shall be training Ailith."

Hunter inclined his head toward her, his eyes sparkling of reassurance on his otherwise poker face.

"Now that we are all aquatinted, let's move on," said Ithuriel, his tone not unkind.

"For the first three weeks," said Krystal. "You will be developing and toning muscles. Then you will move on to hand-to-hand combat before finishing off at weapons. Understood?"

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