Chapter 45

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-Ailith's POV-

She felt the horrible pounding headache before she fully woke up. Half-asleep, she fumbled around for her necklace before she pressed the Soul Sword to her forehead.

After a few seconds her headache cleared and she felt better. Carefully, she got up.

Hunter wasn't on the mattress, and Ailith felt guilt stir in her stomach. He must've found her unconscious in Vanessa's room, and was most likely hella pissed.

Ailith bit her lip. She'd go find him afterward, when she was sure that he'd cooled off. Right now, she could hear the shower calling her name.


Ailith wore her own jeans, now clean, and one of Hunter's t-shirts.

She decided to go and check on Vanessa instead, also knowing that as leader of the Rebel Army, Vanessa had her own small private kitchen. Ailith hated the canteen in the underground headquarters.

She padded into Vanessa's kitchen. Ailith was also able to hear the blonde snoring from there.

She pulled open one of the small cupboards, and felt relief when her eyes fell on tea, coffee and various energy drinks.

Ailith reached for the coffee, before her arm stopped. Coffee mostly accelerated her heartbeat instead of giving her energy- she was only allowed half a cup on rare occasions. Tea was better for her.

Her mind argued against her. You're stronger now, it said. You can handle a cup of coffee. Plus, you really do need the caffeine.

Ailith snatched up the coffee, and put the kettle on. Of all things she needed to be guilty of, coffee wasn't on the top of the list. Not by a long shot.

While she waited for the water to boil, she pulled out three eggs, one for each of the three friends, and a frying pan.

The kettle whistled behind her, and she poured water into three separate mugs and dumped a spoonful of coffee powder in each.

"I smell coffee." Vanessa walked into the kitchen with as much dignity as she could.

Ailith snorted at her. Her hair was in a huge blonde mess and her blue eyes were rimmed with red.

"Let me help." Ailith walked over to her and pressed the sword onto the taller girl's forehead.

"Nice magic necklace," grinned Vanessa, a few seconds later.

"Cool, right? Now make your own damn breakfast."

Vanessa laughed and gave her a gentle and playful shove, causing Ailith to knock a thigh against the counter.

She frowned as she felt something in her pocket. Ailith put her hand in and felt around, until her fingers closed around a cool metal object.

Pulling it out, Ailith tried to remember putting a metal ring in her pocket.

"Faery metal?" frowned Vanessa.

The ring sat in the palm of her hand. It was a beautiful golden colour, with splashes of red and green, making patterns of flowers and leaves. If she squinted, she could see inscriptions of an ancient language.

"Metal? I thought iron burned faeries."

"It does," answered Hunter.

Both girls looked up to find Hunter in the kitchen; neither of them had heard him come in.

"But," he continued. "They eventually developed their own weird metal. It's incredibly strong but-" Hunter gave a sniff, "it reeks of nature."

"Your eggs are burning," said Vanessa nonchalantly, and strode over to the stove. "How'd you get a faerie ring anyway?"

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