Chapter 26

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(Media: Ignore the hair and eye colour. Please just observe the lovely face and abs because that's the character)

-Ailith's POV-

Ailith was sure that her face was bright pink.

The beautiful guy that sat at one end of the table didn't look much older than her. He seemed perhaps 23?

He was shirtless, showing off his sculpted torso.

He had beautiful angel wings, larger than Amar's or Ithuriel's, except they were midnight black.

His hair was a sandy blonde, and he had fair skin.

Since he was sitting, Ailith couldn't properly calculate his height, though she was sure that he was taller than her.

His eyes were the usual demon eyes; black where the whites should be and a light violet that coloured the iris.

"Sit," he beckoned.

Ailith snapped out of her daze. "Shit, you're hot!" she blurted.

The demon smiled. "You are not the first who has said that."

He held out a muscled arm, gesturing to the other end of the long table. "Please, sit down, Miss Everstone."

Ailith walked across the marble floor and pulled back a plush velvet chair before she sat down.

She had to keep telling herself that he was the enemy.

That he was currently the most dangerous being in all the realms.

She quickly scanned the room. It was about as dark as the rest of the mansion.

There were brass candelabras on the walls, and only one exit from which Ailith had entered.

"It's a lovely place-" she started, beginning her fake charming and composed role.

"There's no need for that, Ailith," interupted the winged-demon. And as if reading her expression, he answered, "I know more about you than you do. I am also, as manipulative as you are, so let us drop away all fake politeness, yes?"

He had a sly smile, one that showed his teeth. In that moment he resembled a fox in many ways.

He made it impossible for you to draw your eyes away from him, and he radiated an aura of power.

As manipulative as me? He's the goddamn creator of all the shit we're in! Am I really that much of a crap person?

A part of her immediately answered yes, and another part of her immediately scolded herself. This is part of his mind games! Play him- use his strengths against him.

Ailith had obviously stayed quiet for far too long, because her eyes caught his growing sly smile.

"Hmm, as manipulative as me?" said Ailith, half-mockingly, giving him a hard look. "You must be pretty bad at it, then."

"I can see that," he replied in almost a sing-song voice. "You cannot anger me."

Ailith feigned a look of veiled disappointment.

"Let us move on," he said, as a waiter brought over two plates of food. "I would like to discuss your performance in the arena before light."

"What about it?" she asked, eyeing the gourmet-style plate in front of her.

"You've only been experienced with combat for two months, yes?" he asked, taking a knife and fork into each hand.

"'Round-abouts," she answered, careful not to meet his gaze again.

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