Chapter 13

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(A/N: This should give you a bit of an idea to Ailith's tattoo on her back)

As Ailith watched Hunter's retreating back, she was sure that she hadn't been supposed to hear what he had said.

Even from afar she could hear and see his hidden despair, and she wondered, could she really be getting through his walls, even though he was doing his best to keep her out?

Feeling a pounding in her temple, a hand tapped her shoulder and she turned around to face Krystal.

"Oh, um, hi," said Ailith, awkwardly, not expecting the gorgeous demon to speak to her.

"Hey," she grinned energetically, her emerald and ebony eyes sparkling.

"So, I, uh, heard about you and Amar.." she began.

Ailith felt her face heat up and muscles tense. Two different reactions, many emotions, to a few simple words.

"News travels fast, huh," she muttered, staring down at her hands, trying to make sure her face revealed nothing.

Naturally, she was worried about whether Krystal new that Ailith was only trying to get intel from Amar, instead of actually being with him.

Krystal gave her a sympathetic smile, her crimson hair glinting in the fake sunlight.

"Look, I just want you to be careful. I trained and went to school with him, I know what he's capable of. He's a heartbreaker."

"Thanks for your concern, but this isn't the first time I'm going out with a douchebag."

"Just use protection," she winked, before just walking away.

"That was weird," frowned Ailith, her headache slowly amplifying. "She reminds me of Lucy from Despicable Me 2."

"What was that about?" asked Aaron, appearing out of nowhere.

"No idea," said Ailith, shaking her head, trying to stop comprehending what had just happened.

"Let's go get ice-cream," she said. "I have a headache and I want to be in a drama slash freakshow-free zone."

"And you do owe me dirt on Amar," he reminded her, slinging an arm around her shoulder.

And for a short amount of time, some of Ailith's burden was lifted from her shoulders.


Ailith was standing on one side of the counter, her muscles aching, while she recounted her training session, leaving out the talk she had with Hunter.

"And," she concluded, taking a bite out of a biscuit, "I have a knack for sword-fighting."

"Wait," said her father, putting down his knife that he was using to chop vegetables.

"So in a week you're going to some magical land to end a war?" he asked, his voice full of fatherly concern.

Ailith sighed, physically and mentally exhausted. She wanted to sleep for a century- or maybe two.

"Yeah. But we did talk about me wanting to help people and change the world," she said tiredly, running a hand through her hair. "So I guess I get what I want."

"We never talked about the cost," he said gently. "Your life. Your happiness. Your mentality. And not having you isn't what I want."

"Daddy, most fathers would be fussing over a party, and I know how you're fussing over something bigger but," she said, walking around the counter and into the kitchen.

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