Chapter 16

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(Media: Ailith and Hunter's bedroom)

-Hunter's POV-

The van had driven as far as it could go into a dense wood.

Hunter walked slowly with Ailith, the world dark as it was, but with the trees blackening everything.

Ithuriel and Amar emitted pearly, heavenly glows, enough so that the path was lit and surroundings were somewhat visible.

Hunter felt Ailith's breath hitch next to him.

"It's dark," he heard her murmur. "It's like wandering aimlessly through the dark."

Hunter could practically hear the silent, like I've been doing for years, that she hadn't added.

Hunter was overcome with his irritating, yet pleasant desire to protect and help her.

"It's okay," he whispered, moving closer to her. so that their shoulders brushed.

Hunter grabbed her hand and gently laced his fingers with hers, his thumb tracing small circles on her knuckles.

He realised what he first mistook for burns of demon-human contact, was actually a pleasant tingle which made his stomach flutter.

"Look," he said, trying to distract her and himself. "We're almost there. Can you see the ley lines?"

Hunter gestured to small, almost insignificant yellow lines, glowing amongst the roots of trees and moss.

"Yes," she breathed. "Why can I see them?"

"I'm guessing it's because of your Mark."

"It's almost midnight," Ailith said suddenly.

"So?" asked Hunter.

"Don't we have a lot to do tomorrow?"

"Well, yeah, but we can easily grab eight hours of sleep. Enough for tomorrow."

"Yeah, get dresses and teach me to dance. Piece of cake. Except it's me. You'll need four days' worth of sleep."

Hunter smiled, knowing he was getting through to her. "You're a fast learner. And I'm guessing you'll look great in anything."

Hunter immediately inwardly cursed himself. What was he saying? You'll look great in anything? He fought the urge to scoff out loud.

Ailith just snorted beside him, though he guessed she was covering up her embarrassment. "Am I supposed to wear something like huge old style ball gown, or something more modern, yet formal?"

Hunter frowned, "I don't think anything too traditional, something formal but demons and angels have different dress ideas. I'll ask around to see what other girls'll be wearing. I believe that something casually formal for the lunch, and something that shows off your Mark for the ball."

Ailith was silent for a moment, and Hunter could sense that she was no longer uneasy because of her heart condition.

"I don't even want to know how long you spent thinking about that."

Hunter chuckled and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Oh, come on, that's nothing. If it's any consolation I actually am kinda clueless about fashion."

Ailith laughed softly beside him and playfully bumped his shoulder with hers. "Sure, sure."

They kept talking and joking around for a while as they walked the distance to the gateway.


"We're here," said Ithuriel, stopping abruptly, sending John bumping into him.

Lots of bright lines crossed over eachother where Ithuriel stood, a honey glow lighting the small clearing the group stood in.

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