Chapter 43

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-Ailith's POV-

"No way. This is awesome."

Ailith tried on the gear that Hunter had bought her. It was light and reflexive, made of an incredibly flexible material. It was a one-piece body suit, that, as Hunter had shown her, was so tough that even the sharpest knives had trouble piercing it.

She felt totally bad-ass and professional like it. Like she was a mix of a Shadowhunter, secret agent and assassin.

The suit had plenty of sheaths and hidden pockets to store all sorts of weapons in.

The best thing about it was that Hunter had a matching one.

By now, the sky had begun to lighten and pink spread across the sky to signal the beginning of a new day.

"Alright," grinned Hunter. "We should start training now. I want to see if you can control your magic."

Ailith was still a little doubtful but she wanted to try. Wanted to make him proud. Wanted to fix this war.

So she stood in a fighting stance while Hunter stood a few paces away. His hands were clasped behind his back and his expression stern and stony.

"You seem to be able to trigger your abilities when you feel a strong amount of negative emotion, usually anger," he said in that annoying, instructor voice of his.

A part of her couldn't take him seriously, and a part of her wanted to desperately please him.

"So?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"So, try to think of something that gets you angry."

"Annoying people, flat soft-drinks, selfish assholes, bad pizza.. Hunter, are you sure about this? This list could go on forever."

Hunter rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He seemed more tired than usual. "Fine. Think of something that gets you unusually furious."

"What, like you disappearing?"

"Goddess, you're so bloody annoying," he groaned, dragging a hand down his face.

Ailith shot him a nasty look. It was starting to feel like old times and she almost smiled.

"Fine. Fine. I know how to get you pissed off."

He stalked off in the opposite direction, and reappeared a moment later, with something in his hand.

She felt her eyes widen and her body tense. "Don't you dare."

A cruel little smile played on his lips as he brought the donut to his mouth.

Ailith screeched and tried to snatch it away from him.

Hunter easily grinned and dodged.

Stupid demon speed, she scoffed in her head as she lunged for him again.

"You're making this too easy for me," he said, taking a bite.

She stopped, feeling herself begin to sweat. It was hot, and the sun hadn't even fully risen. "It's not working."

Hunter disappeared for a moment, before coming back, this time without the donut. "You're right. And no, I didn't finish the donut off. I put it away," he added, catching her look.

His brow furrowed in deep thought. "I can't think of anything to do except for you to channel anger."

Ailith sighed. "I'll try again."

She closed her eyes and thought. She pulled out all her emotions and thoughts that she had tucked away.

Images flashed into her mind and voices flooded into her ears. It was physically painful, her chest ached with grief.

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