Chapter 50 (FINALE - Pt. 2)

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Ailith left the cursed Soul Sword lying where it was.

She was beginning to feel drained; though the fires on the stage were burning on their own, because they had started from Ailith, they took her energy.

She put them out and surveyed the situation with Hunter and the King. They were locked in dirty combat, which Hunter was obviously losing.

Her mind started racing, trying to formulate a plan. Hunter distract him and then I jump on the King's back? She almost laughed at the idea.

She wracked her brain as she threw as many flaming daggers at the King as she dared.

Her eyes wandered to the carnage that the Rebel Army had created. The soldiers from opposing sides, Imperial and Rebel, were fighting furiously. Dashes of firepower, combat, magic, flew around.

The beautiful chaos of battle.

She could see the soldiers that were rescuing civilians, and felt the tiniest breath of relief in her chest.

Then she saw all the bodies.

The sight of hundreds made her sick.

"Ailith!" Vanessa's voice shouted into her earpiece. "Heads up! And stop standing there!"

Ailith turned her attention to the sky and gasped, the dread stewing in her stomach for months exploding, making her tremble.


Hundreds of them, in battle formation and armour, giving heavenly glows in the ash-strewn sky.

"Shit!" Ailith clicked her tongue, and her mike connected with Hunter. "Hunter!" she hissed. "Angels! There are hundreds of them!"

She saw Hunter falter as he chanced a glance upward.

The King followed his gaze and slowed to a stop.

A squadron of angels, perhaps thirty, landed in front of the stage. At the head was Ithuriel and another angel she didn't recognise.

He had wavy golden hair that stopped at his shoulders, and his eyes were purely golden, including the whites and pupils. A mighty, glowing sword was strapped to his strong, armoured back. His heavenly glow wasn't white or silver like the rest of the angels; it was golden.

He's some important bastard, was all she could deduce.

"We are here," said the golden dude, "to finally settle the battle between the angels and demons."

"We are currently a bit preoccupied, Michael," said the King. Though he was bruised and bloody, his clothes ripped and singed, he stood straight and spoke with the authority of a king.

Michael? she wondered. The biblical Michael?

"Ailith," Vanessa said into her ears. "What's going on?"

Ailith clicked her tongue again. "The angels are here for battle," she muttered. "I think there's Michael here."

"Michael. As in God's right-hand man Michael? Are they on our side?"

"I think that's the one, but I'll have to wiggle my way into conversation."

She felt a familiar hand slip into hers. Hunter, bleeding from multiple places just like her, stood bruised and dirty beside her.

"Game changer," he muttered.

Ailith nodded her agreement as she watched the two races.

"We are here to challenge you," spoke Michael. His voice was resonating and earth-shaking. It chilled her to the bone. There was none of the warmth she's expected from one of the High Angels.

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