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today I was supposed to fly to St. Lucia and I had been scolded by Lando because it was Max who had driven me home instead of him. Me and Lando hadn't spoken to each other since our little fight.

Belle:what are you going to do now during the break?

Max:going to travel but haven't decided where yet

Belle:you should go to st. Lucia and be with me

Max:tempting. I book immediately

the main reason I wrote to Max was to annoy Lando but also because I wanted to get to know Max again and try to get some memories without people complaining about me. I was sitting at the airport waiting to board and several people had recognized me and asked for pictures and I had happily said yes to almost every person. I could finally get on the plane and I would try to sleep as much as possible on the plane to prevent jet lag.


i jumped out of the taxi that had driven me to my villa and the driver helped me carry my bags to the door. when he had left i finally stepped into the villa i was going to spend a week and a half in. the villa was perfect and it was open and lots of sunlight coming in. at the back there was a large pool and further away I could see the beach.

I took pictures of the villa and sent the pictures to Max. after that I called my brother to tell him that I had landed and that it was incredibly nice here. he told me that he and Carmen were doing well and were looking for a house in Monaco.

I put the phone away in the bedroom and stepped into the shower to freshen up. after i finished i put on a white maxi skirt and a brown tank top. I would go out and look around the nature and the people.

I went out and walked among the winding streets and I admired that the streets were so colorful. i walked for a few minutes before i came to a market and the people were happy and had a smile on their faces which rubbed off on me. it smelled of spices and fruits everywhere and I stopped at almost every stall and checked what they were selling.

at one stand I got to try fresh pineapple and when I took the first bite I felt the juice on my chin so I quickly wiped it away with my arm. the pineapple was perfect and sweet so I bought two with me so I could make drinks with one and eat the other.

I went on and sat on a bench under a tree and there I had a view of a fountain. a family of children went and the kids who were no older than 10 played around the fountain and splashed water on each other while the parents checked on the kids. a few meters away from me two elderly men were sitting under a tree playing chess.

I took my water bottle out of my bag and drank a few sips before standing up and walking on. I entered a path in a small forest that led me to a beach. from being in scorching sun to shade and a cooling breeze was refreshing. I heard the birds chirping and it was music to my ears.

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