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I hadn't eaten anything all Friday and nothing on Saturday. Today was the race and I knew I needed to eat something to be able to drive but my brain wouldn't let me eat anything. I put on the clothes I had taken out the day before and braided my hair. I looked at the apple on the table and considered taking it with me. I put it in my bag and hurried out to the parking lot before my brain told me otherwise. I had decided to leave earlier than the other drivers to avoid hearing questions about whether I would have breakfast with them because I didn't want them to become suspicious.

I jumped into the car and turned the key and then drove off. the roads hadn't had time to be filled so I arrived relatively quickly. there were some fans who had gathered in front of the Circuit and called my name. I waved to them and took several pictures and signed autographs. it was nice to be early because I could devote more time to the fans and give myself a nice reputation.

i scanned my passport but it was denied. i tried to scan again but again it didn't work. I felt my pulse rise when I saw the cameras pointed at me. i went to the next scanner and luckily it worked. I gave a nervous smile to the camera as I felt my face turn red.

I entered our hospital and was greeted by a nervous Olivia. "Christian wants you to come to his office"

"like I've done something bad. Everyone knows I'm an angel"

she gave me a serious look and I slowly walked up to his office. had I done something wrong?. Had Max told a lie?. would he fire me? I stood outside his door and raised my hand to the door and knocked gently but loudly enough for Christian to hear.




"Come in Belle" I heard from the other side of the door and I carefully opened it and stepped inside before closing the door behind me.

I relaxed a little when I saw that he didn't look angry. he gave me a warm smile as I sat down. the chair was uncomfortable but I think that probably has something to do with the fact that I'm terrified right now.

"you wanted to see me" I said nervously.

"yes, I want to hear how the Red Bull team has received you"

"everyone has been very kind and I'm grateful that no one judges me just because I'm a girl or because I'm George's sister"

Christian nodded in understanding and seemed pleased that his team was nice to me.

"how are things with Max and the cards"

I looked up at him and hesitated if I should tell him about his bad comments he always makes. I knew Max was Christan's golden boy and would do anything for him. was there a risk that I would be fired if I told them that the cards didn't work?

"To be honest, it's not going well with Max. The only time he doesn't say anything to me is if any staff are around. With the cards, we force our way through them just to get it over with faster"

As if | Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now