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I had landed in Monaco and the way home felt very slow but extremely fast at the same time. it was cloudy but warm and I listened to music as usual. I pulled up to my driveway and parked the car but I just sat there and just looked at my house.

i thought something was wrong with how i had left it but i couldn't figure out what it was. I also thought that it would have been nice to live with someone considering that the house was big for just one person.

I opened the door and went up to the door and then I saw what looked different. there were several bouquets of flowers outside my door and they were pink and white roses. I immediately understood that it was Max who had sent me flowers. I sighed and unlocked the door while I picked up the bouquets and took them into the kitchen.

I looked at them for a while before I let out a heavy sigh and picked them up and threw them in the bin. I went to the living room and threw myself down on the sofa and started some series that I had started watching.

I had entered a period where I hated films, series, YouTube videos. I had watched too much of that stuff when I had time which resulted in me having seen almost everything interesting there was to watch.

while the series was playing in the background i got up and opened my suitcase to pick up my clothes because i knew if i didn't grab it now my bag would be there until i had to repack it.

I felt that I would have a visitor today and I hoped it wouldn't be Max. I tried to push that feeling away but every time I pushed that feeling away it came back stronger and more intense than before. I decided to put on coffee in case that feeling turned out to be true. I didn't have much at home that you could eat so I looked in all my drawers and found some dry cookies that would do.

I sat back on the sofa and swore to myself at my paranoia. of course no one would come to visit, it was only me who hoped for that because I felt alone. I heard how the coffee was ready but I couldn't bear to bother.




I stood up a little too quickly and I felt dizzy but went to the door faster than I cared to admit. the knocking continued almost desperately now and I needed to run to the door to get the knocking to stop. as I grabbed the handle I hesitated and was washed over by a feeling of anxiety.I opened it anyway and I regret that I did. Daniel stood in front of me with yellow roses and a bag. i made eye contact with him and i started to close the door again when i saw the panic in his eyes and grabbed my door and stopped myself to close the door on him.

"wait belle"

"I do not want to talk to you"

"you don't have to talk to me but can you at least listen to me"

"you have 10 minutes"

"do you really want me to say this out here"

he pointed to his car and I saw that Max was sitting in the car and looking at me. when he saw me looking at him he gave me a small wary smile and gently waved. I sighed and let Daniel enter. I closed the door after Daniel and asked if he wanted coffee without looking in his direction. he hummed and I went to the kitchen and I heard him following me.

he sat down on the chair while I took out a cup and poured the coffee which was still hot. Daniel held up the roses and I reluctantly accepted them and looked for a vase to put them in. I heard Daniel muttering to himself but I took my time with the flowers before finally sitting down.

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