-Beauty In You-

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Yeosang's world was a desaturated canvas, devoid of the vibrancy that others seemed to revel in. From his earliest memories, he never quite grasped the enchanting beauty his parents often waxed poetic about. It left him feeling disconnected, an outlier in a family of dreamers. As he matured, the disconnect grew more pronounced, gnawing at his sense of belonging.

The revelation came in fragments, like shattered glass piecing together a painful truth. Every child was born blind to the kaleidoscope of colors that painted the world, ignorant of the intricate markings etched upon their skin until they found their soulmate. It was a notion both romantic and cruel, a cosmic dance of fate dictating when and how one would glimpse the world's true essence through the eyes of another.

Yeosang's journey was marred by patience worn thin, his once hopeful heart now heavy with the burden of time slipping away. While some found their counterparts with ease, destiny weaving their paths together effortlessly, he lingered in the shadows of uncertainty. Twenty-three years had passed, each day a reminder of his solitude, his wrist bearing no trace of the elusive mark that would guide him to his missing half.

His friend, Wooyoung, encouraged him to hold on to the glimmer of hope that was on the verge of disappearing. But what comfort could possibly be found in shattered promises Wooyoung met his own soulmate at eighteen which only added as a cruel juxtaposition, a reminder of what Yeosang yearned for but could not attain. The memory of that day hung heavy in his mind, a bitter reminder of his own perceived inadequacy.

As memories flooded back, Yeosang couldn't shake the vivid image of Wooyoung's sheer joy at the sight of Yunho. He described it as if the world exploded into a wave of colorful hues the moment their eyes met. Wooyoung's recounting of that moment was so beautiful it brought tears to Yeosang's eyes, though he couldn't decipher if they were tears of joy for his friend or sorrow for himself.The memory traced back to the delicate tattoo adorning Wooyoung's ribcage, the words "you are stunning" elegantly scripted. It was a testament to their love, etched permanently on his skin. Yeosang couldn't help but admire the romance of it all, yet it also served as a painful reminder of his own loneliness . He was genuinely happy for his friend, but the pang in his heart was undeniable.

Now, older and wiser, Yeosang found himself traversing through each day like a weary traveler in a desolate landscape. The vibrant world he once envisioned had faded into a grayscale existence, devoid of the chromatic splendor he longed for. Each step felt burdensome, weighed down by the emptiness of unfulfilled longing.

While people around him saw the work in its beauty, Yeosang found himself ensnared in the shadows of solitude, trapped within a desolate landscape where even the vibrant tapestry of memories served only to exacerbate his longing for something beyond reach. Each day weighed heavily upon his soul, burdened by the constant hurt of unfulfilled love, as he navigated the gloomy landscape with a heart heavy by unfulfilled yearning and lingering sorrow.

As the days passed, Yeosang's mental well-being began to falter, his spirit succumbing to the oppressive weight of despair. Gradually withdrawing into himself, he became increasingly withdrawn, his once lively demeanor eclipsed by the encroaching darkness of depression. Observing this gradual decline with growing concern, Wooyoung, his ever-watchful roommate, refused to stand idly by as Yeosang's vitality waned. Determined to lift the veil of melancholy that shrouded his friend, Wooyoung conceived a plan to whisk them away to the tranquil shores of Jeju Island, hoping to provide respite from the storm raging within Yeosang's troubled heart.

Yeosang was hesitant at first, but in the end he accepted the invitation since his friends' genuine concern and assurances helped to ease his fears. With their departure imminent, Yunho and Wooyoung resolved to shield Yeosang from any further anguish, vowing to refrain from public displays of affection in his presence, a silent testament to their unwavering loyalty and friendship. And so, as they embarked on their journey to Jeju Island, each step forward represented not only a physical passage but also a symbolic journey towards healing and renewal.

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