-" Do you hear that?"-

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"It's been two weeks and there have been no signs of the missing teenagers. It was said that the last time they were seen they were in the park and ventured past regular park grounds.
Officers have been searching endlessly into the forest but have found no signs of the boy's locations
If you've heard of anything please let the police know...

Where are they?

Two weeks ago.........

" Hongjoong-an are you sure this is safe, I mean there could be anything out here...why didn't we wait til daytime at least" Seonghwa whined trying to talk Hongjoong out of his stupid idea.

" yeah I'm with Seonghwa Hyung here....this could go crazy bad especially if we aren't careful," Mingi said biting his lip a little worried

"listen it'll be fine okay besides it'll be a fun adventure to cure our Boredom " San chimed in

" and you just so happen to think that following Hongjoong into a forest to look for god knows what the smartest thing is? Aren't you a smart one" Wooyoung snarky said

" you're talking shit but at the same time your following the rest of us so I wouldn't be talking smart one"

" stop it you two" Yunho's said flicking the back of their heads causing them to whine out

"look y'all could either come with me or leave, the choice is yours, but I'm not gonna find that voice I heard no matter what" That was one aspect of Hongjoong that Seongwha resented at times. His curiosity. He was an inquisitive fucker, especially when it came to superstitions, and with that personality trait, he made reckless choices. So when he wrote in the group chat that he'd heard someone singing in the woods at night, of course, he wanted to investigate, but of course that led some of Seonghwa's other gullible friends down the impetuous path.

With Seonghwa and Hongjoong being the eldest members of their friend group, their influences frequently rub off on the younger boys, particularly Hongjoong. Some of the younger lads had picked up on his bold and inquiring behavior. For example, San. San had transformed from a terrifying crumbling pile of fear to an adrenaline junkie who relished following Hongjoong on his idiotic exploits merely to get his adrenaline fixed. And what about the other two? Well, Yunho and Jongho were just alike. They were always ready to have fun and explore, especially because they weren't afraid of much.

Seonghwa was the complete opposite. He was the smarter of the two, thinking things through with rationality and, in other cases, steering Hongjoong away from possible mayhem, but this time it wasn't working in his favor. Seonghwa's demeanor seemed to rub off on the rest of the group. Wooyoung was still curious, but he never behaved rashly because he is easy to get startled, Yeosang disliked anything that involved getting dirty or getting into severe trouble, and Mingi was simply Seonghwa's innocent baby who listened to Seonghwa because he was like the mother he'd never had.

In other words, their group was opposite of each other, but this is what drew them together and made them stronger. While the logical members of the group may dislike the impulsive escapades, they always make an effort to be there for the others, regardless of their discomfort. That's exactly how things were. The impulsive people helped the logical thinkers get out of their comfort zones, while the careful ones helped the impulsive thinkers become more observant and cautious.

Now look at them walking through bushes and thorns with their only source of light being the flashlights in their hand trying to find whatever it was that Hongjoong thought he heard. Of course, some of the boys were whining about all the bugs and being scared, but Seonghwa just kept his mouth shut and followed Hongjoong without question. The truth is that Seongwha has had feelings for Hongjoong for years, which is another reason why he always finds himself following Hongjoong on his stupid adventures. he honestly just didn't wanna see the love of his life hurt or to be alone if he were to get hurt. Out of all the ideas, however, this one was by far the craziest. with each step deeper into the unknown territory, Seonghwa's anxiety rose through the roof, but he didn't want to look scared. he wanted to impress Hongjoong even when he felt like he'd throw up in fear. looking at Hongjoong he could see one thing lingering in his eyes... Determination.

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