Summer Lovin'

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Lily's POV

The taxi dropped me off in front of a large beautiful house. The house is bright yellow with a large front porch that has vines and plants taking it over. I pick up my two suitcases and set off towards the house.

I thump my fist on the door once before it opens. His face is wide with a smile. He looks as if he can't believe I'm here. "Lily!" He beams, as if just saying my name makes him happy, "I can't believe you actually came!"

Two faces pop up behind James. His parents are elderly but pleasant looking. His father looks at James, "Is this Lily?"

I smile and offer to shake his hand, "Nice to meet you Mr. Potter." He takes it. I turn to Mrs. Potter. She smiles at me and envelopes me into a hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you! James has told us so much about you."

James has turned a particular shade of red. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here for the summer," I thank them. They both just shake their heads. His parents go into the house and I giggle at an embarrassed James. I put my hand on his back and comfort him.


"So. This is Sirius' room, he is probably still asleep, and this is the bathroom and this is my room, and this is your room," he says. We stop in front of a nondescript door. He nods his head, signaling me to open it. 

The room is twice the size of mine at home. It has a large bed in the center of the room. It is covered in extremely soft looking blankets and pillows. Besides the bed, desk, and dresser the room is quite bare. White light enters through the window making the room seem airy. He sets down my stuff at the edge of the bed and we stand in silence. 

I can't believe I did this, Pick up and leave my home to stay at his for two months. Though he is the only one I have truly told how horrid my life there is. He looks at me like a treasure. My train ride here was long and full of drunken parties. I glance hungrily at the soft blankets. "Do you mind if I just sleep, for now?" 

It's like he can't physically stop smiling. "Make yourself at home, I will see you in the morning." He leaves and I sit on the bed. I stroke the soft blanket in silence. I change into a comfy tank top and spandex. I wrap my kimono robe around me and bury myself in my own dreams


I writhe in a cold sweat. Dementors and deatheaters dance across my eyelids, play Russian roulette with my family's lives. I sit up after my mother lost the game. I get up and walk around the cold tile floor. Only half awake I am unaware of what I am doing. I run my fingers through my hair and open my door. 

James' POV 

Tap. Tap. My door sounds. I stand up. The cod breeze from my window  goes straight through my boxers and onto my skin. I open the door. A swollen-eyed, red faced Lily stands outside my door. "Hold me," She commands in the most pathetic voice. She collapses into my arms. She lets soft tear fall down my shoulder. 

I stroke her beautiful mass of hair and let out kind shush's. I guide her to my bed and tuck her in. I move to grab a pillow and sleep on the floor but she clutches my body. "Don't leave me..." she mutters. "Okay?" I say. This is new. I climb over her to the other side out the bed 

She lays her head on my cheat and hugs my torso. Her legs and mine are mixed together. She falls asleep, never not clutching me. I try to fall asleep but the only thing I can do is think the following;

Lily Evans is in the same bed as me. Lily Evans is cuddling with me. Lily Evans doesnt want me to leave her. I am holding Lily Evans. LILY EVANS. Focus man. Lily Evans. 

I don't sleep, I listen to the harmony of our heart beats. I smell her beautiful hair. I look at her face, long enough for me to see it when I close my eyes. I try to burn the feeling of her around me into my memory. I stroke her waist and back. I love how she feels. 

When she stirs in her sleep she holds me tighter. I kiss her head and smile. 

Lily Evans.

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