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"Lily let's go say hello to our new neighbor!"

In the after life they let you pick which house you want. They picked one near a pond, so we could admire the view.

James waits at the door. Lily walk towards him grabbing her purse. They set off down the twisty road. They are about ten meters from the drive way when Lily remembers, "Oh shoot! I made cake for them. I will go back and get it and catch up with you."

Lily runs back towards their tall house. James continues a little slower. The house is dark.

It's front yard has dirt instead of grass. The flower boxes are skewed to the side and are falling off of the dark brick house. The window shingles are dark grey. The house is long and twisty.

James knocks on the door. It creaks open.
When James sees who is on the other side of the door he says, "No No No."

Lily runs bake with a cake in her hands. She doesn't even look up when she starts, "Hi nice to meet WHAT!?! You wanker!"

Lily drops the cake on the door step of Severus Snape. Snape smiles in his unfortunate face. He goes to hug Lily but James steps in between them and elbows Snape in the stomach. Snape still says happily, "Lily oh my Lily."

Lily sprints away and Snape follows. James runs. Severus corners her between two hedges. He yells happily, "I love you!"

Lily raises her hand and slaps him across the face.

He smiles. Severus has missed her touch. Nothing could ruin this moment. She screams in frustration and tries to push past Severus.

Severus, instead of letting her past, takes her into his creepy arms. James pushes Severus back and puts himself between them. He says to Snivellus, "Scram."

Lily screams at Severus, "You are the worst! You put my son through agony! You bring him up like a pig for slaughter! You dare touch my dead body when my son is all alone! You may say you love me but if you did you would've realized that I HATE YOU!"

Lily had angry pouring out of her. Her face is red and wet. Severus looks taken-back. James steps towards him pointing his wand, "You get away from my wife or I swear to Merlin's hipster goatee.."

Snape steps back with his arms up, still smiling. Lily stands breathing heavily hating Snape.


Thirteen months later.

"I forgive you, just give me time."

Lily shuts the door on Snape with the last word. But she meant it. If her son could forgive so should she.

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