Date Night

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"You two have fun tonight!"

Remus makes baby Harry wave goodbye. It is their first night without Harry. Lily waves goodbye. Remus closes the door to his apartment. They turn around and walk down the street hand in hand.

James says, "This is going to be the best night you have had for months."

"Oh, really," Lily asks raising her eyebrows.

They stop at a street light. He turns around and faces her. her arms are around his neck, his are around her waist. Their hips are aligned.He leans in and kisses her.

He hasn't been able to snog her in months because of baby Harry. They break the kiss and walk hand in hand.

"Oh, I am pretty sure you are going to like it," he adds. They get on a taxi and he whispers the address to the driver. He took out a red handkerchief and covered up her eyes.

The taxi stops. And James guides her to the secret destination.

Slowly he takes off the the blind fold. They stand in their bed room. "You are the best husband ever!"

They haven't slept a full night of sleep in months.

James smiles and reaches underneath the bed. He has in his hands two pints of ice cream.

Lily is so happy she can only squeal. She steps towards him and attacks him with a kiss. Her hands are under his shirt. The ice cream falls to the floor. His hands are on her face.

The kiss is passionate. Her shirt comes off.
James breaks the kiss, "C'mon, Lils, you don't want another baby, do you?"

She smiles and nods. Before James can reply she continues, "But right now, I want to eat ice cream with my handsome husband."

He smiles. They both plop on the bed and turn on a movie. During the first scene James places his hand on Lily's chin. He guides her face to his. They kiss softly.

He whispers, "You will be pregnant by Halloween."

They fall asleep before the first commercial.

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