A Serenade

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"Lily, your not a flower.

But I would pick you, first."

"James I swear to god..." I complain. Somehow he and Sirius got guitars and are trying to serenade me whilst I am trying to go to class. Unfortunately, to add to this awkward situation, he is very out of key.

"You are hot like the sun

and cool like the moon."

"Don't doubt that I will punch you, both of you," I threaten but they persist.

"Sirius makes me sexually confused.

But you put me back in place."

I laugh a little at that one. I walk down the spiral staircase and they are sliding down the banister. I inform them, "You know you are bad at this."

"You say you hate me but

you know you love me."  

If I roll my eyes any more I might see my brain. I ignore them.

"Lily, you not a flower.

But you are just as pretty."

I blush at that one. I step off the staircase and they stay on the last step. James sings softly going up at the end.

"So please,

Go out with meeeeeeee."

I turn around and laugh, "Your funny, Potter."

Jily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now