Out of My Mind

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"Sirius!" I groan rolling around my bed. I end up with my torso hanging off the four poster bed. My shirt rides up my hot bod. Sirius throws his text book on the floor dramtically saying, "What is it, James!?!?!"

I roll over hugging my pillow. I ask, "Have you ever loved someone so much that it takes all of your energy to not take them up and just be close to someone?"

Sirius laughs at me. I feel an ache in my heart. He says sarcastically, "Jamesie, You know I am ok with hugging!"

I throw my pillow at the fool. I assert, "This is serious. I cant sleep or eat knowing she is out there hating me."

He argues, "No, she doesn't hate you."

"Yeah right."

"No really, she asked me about you just last week."

I run and hop onto Sirius. I hold him down by the wrists, "Why didn't you tell me!?"

Just then the door opens. A voice says, "I'll come back later."

I look over to see Lily Evans staring at me. She run walks out of the room. I stand and sprint to catch her making sure I kick Sirius in the crotch.

"Lily! Lily!" I call. I catch her just outside the portrait hole. I say, "It's not what it looks like."

"OK well it looks pretty bad."

I scrunch up my nose and cross my arms. I say, "So, what do you- or, I mean, did you need?"

She relaxes a little after that awkward exchange. She has a worried expression. She rambles, "Well, some people were saying that maybe we were more than friends. And I obviously told them we weren't but then I started wondering if you thought that and.,. I was wondering, like I said, if you thought we were any more than friends."

That was a lot. I respond, "No of course not."

She smiles that beautiful smile. She says happily, "Good."

I try to sneak one in, "And that s why we are going to Hogsmeade next weekend as friends."

"James, be careful or we might not even be friends."

Oh please let us be more than that.

A/N oh my... thank you guys so much! 300 reads! (In total) I didn't think anyone except my friend would read this book! (hi hannah) Anyway you guys are AMAZING

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