Seven Years Work Pt 2

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"Why do I have to wear a blind fold?" I ask impatiently. James seems secretive. That pared with the blindfold doesn't mean good things for me.

The hum of traffic disappeared in an instant. My heels sink into dirt. I stop to take off my shoes. James doesnt expect it and he runs into me, pushing the both of us to the ground. My blindfold comes off. I laugh until I realize how nervous he seems. He jumps back up and offers me his hand.

I smile and stand up. He carries my heels and let's me not wear the blindfold. I don't recognize where we are.

We walk up the hill holding hands until we reach a seemingly random spot. James makes me cover my eyes with my hands. While he walks me up the valley we both have sudden bursts of laughter. I smile like a fool for no reason.

Probably because I love him so damn much.

We stop. The wind floats and pushes my hair over my shoulder. The dirt and grass nestle between my toes. "You can open your eyes now, babe," James whispers. I open them to see something I wasn't expecting.

At the highest point of the valley, where we stand, daisies grow. They grew around a square patch with a red and white plaid blanket and a picnic basket. There is a vase that holds a bouquet of daisies.

"James, this is brilliant," I say in awe. We sit down. James takes two glasses and a bottle of champagne. He pours a glass for each of us. He raises his glass, "To seven months of love."

Oh, crap.

I forgot. How could I forget? My face falls. "I am so sorry! I can't believe I forgot. I..."

James smiles knowingly, "You choosing me is more than enough." I blush. We raise our glasses, then clink them. I lean and kiss him. Champagne always makes me happy and bubbly. James takes out two packages of chinese food and we eat straight out of them. James lays down, leaning out his elbows to look at the view.

In the distance we see mountains and hills. And a beautiful lake is born between the two hills. It is that time in the afternoon when the light is golden and kisses every thing it touches.

"We have something very special for dessert," James says. He repeats that phrase all throughout the night. He looks at me like I am the crown jewels. He picks a flower from the ground and tucks it behind my ear.

We finish dinner and James takes out dessert. My favorite. Flourless chocolate cake with rasberries. I smile, "You shouldn't have."

The sun is setting over the yolk of the lake. The colors in the sky dance. I didn't think James could have any more tricks up his sleeve. But he rakes out two long candle sticks and lights them.

I take a bite. It is the most marvelous cake I have ever eaten. Immediatly, after my first bite, I find James extremely sexy. His unshaved face. His black pants, white button up, and suspenders. His hair that seems cleaner then normal. I shiver because of the goose bumps of looking at him.

He offers, "Would you like my jacket?" I shake my head. I take another bite. Soon I am finished. I annouce, "You are the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends." He laughs, "I try."

I stand up to stretch my legs. My dress is short and tight but has a loose cover of fabric that flows with the wind.

I look into the lakes waves. They ripple slightly. I turn to sit back down when I see something very peculiar.

James Potter is kneeling on the ground holding a ring.

I gasp. Tears are in both of our eyes.

"Lily," he says, "I have loved you from the moment I met you. Every second of every day you are in my mind. You make me laugh like no one else will and you make me smile like no one else could. I- I mean you, give me so much joy and if you will let me, I want to give you, at least a fraction of that. Because just a fraction could last you a lifetime."

He smiles like a fool, "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I scream, "A million times yes!"

We are both crying, and smiling like we never have before. He stands up. We don't break eye contact. He puts his hand on my cheek. His thumb rubs away my tears. We can't stop smiling. He whispers, "You said yes?"

I nod. He wipes away more tears. He leans in and kisses me. We are so passionate I start crying more. He breaks the kiss and looks down at my hand. He slips the ring on my finger.

It has one singular diamond. The perfect ring. It's a perfect fit. He whispers, "Seven years work finally paid off. "

I kiss his nose, his cheek, his forehead his other cheek, his chin, and his mouth. He looks at me before we can't stop kissing.

He cries harder and he whispers, "You said yes."

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