Not Like You

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"James, can I talk to you for a sec?" Remus asks. His hands are shoved in his pockets and his shaggy hair covers his eyes. "Sure, mate," I say. We walk towards the bridge.

"I haven't told many people this. Well, actually, I haven't told anyone this," he says. We stop and look out the windows of the bridge onto the river feeding into the great lake.

Remus stutters, "I knew you wouldn't judge, you're just that type of person."

I looks at the guy, my eyes full of concern. I look back out to the lake.  When moony talks it seems like it is difficult to get out each syllable.

He whispers slowly, "I am not like you. I have been dealing with this all my life. I looked in books and researched but there is just no perfect way to do this. I wish it was just an easy thing to say. Something people acted normal to. Because for me this is normal. It is just every day."

"What I am trying to say is... I'm gay man. I'm gay."

We are facing each other now. All I can feel is am overwhelming sense of pride and joy. He looks at the ground sheepishly. I tackle him with a hug. He told me first. Me.

"I love you, man. I love you."

Let's just say we both cried.

(A/N hey guys, I just want to thank you so much for reading this. I never thought that I even wrote well. Without you folks I wouldn't have 10k reads. I love you guys!)

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