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"Guys, look what I got!"

Sirius beckons. He continues, "It's paper magic!"

Lily strolls over an picks up a neatly folded goose. "No, it's oragami," She corrects. She steals a piece of paper from the stack.

James stands next to her and does the same. Lily got a bird.





Half an hour later she throws the crumpled piece of paper on the floor.She exclaims in agony, "THIS IS THE WORST FUCKING THING! YOU RIGGED IT SIRIUS YOU BLOODY-!"

James interrupts, "Hey guys, I did it!" In his hand is the single most perfect monkey folded out of paper. Lily kneels next to James with awe she studies the paper.

Her jaw drops. She is dumbfounded. James Potter is better than her at something.

She asks in complete and utter awe, "You are good at oragami?"

James says with a wide grin and a suggestive wink, "That's not the only thing I am good at."

Sirius takes the rolled up oragami book and whacks him in the back of the head with it.

Peter clarifies, "He is refering to sex."

Her eyes never leave James'. She nods, "Yeah, I got that."

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