Essay Pt:1

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Lily's POV

"To enrich your life goals you will each write an essay about what you want to do in the future, it can be job wise or any other goals, and why. After the essay you must complete the first step in achieving this. This is due at the end of the month," McGonagall says.

I know exactly what I am going to write. There is no doubt about it. I have been deciding what to do since I walked into the great hall that first time.

James smirks on the couch. "Come on Lil's give me a show." I roll my eyes and flop onto the couch next to him, "Why did you offer to help anyway, don't you have to work on your project?"

He smiles at me knowingly, "I am sweet heart, I am."

He ends up really helping me. I revised my presentation and improved my story telling.

He was super helpful, huh, I never would've thought.

"Headmaster, can I tell you a story?"

My black skirt sticks to my sweaty legs. I put my hands under my thighs and remember some advice James taught me, just don't imagine him naked, those images will never be erased from your memory.

I let out a breathy laugh, from the memory.

I shake off the giggles and become more serious because this is my future I am talking about.

I continue, "When my sister, Petunia, found out I was a witch she treated me like I was a totally different person."

Dumbledore interrupts, "Ms. Evans I am aware of your situation at home, please tell me why you needed to see me this instant."

I continue and am ticked off at how Dumbledore treats me when I give him the utmost respect, "Sir, I know you are aware of the situation, but you aren't aware of my life every day. Petunia would stick bugs in my bed and trip me down the stairs laughing, saying that if I was a true witch I would catch myself. When I thought it couldn't ge f worse she became hateful. Every single day when I am home she says I am a freak. She elbows me in the ribs and pushes me off things. But the thing is, I don't hate Petunia because she is just jealous and I remember how loving she was when she thought we were the same. She's just jealous that's all, I would tell myself, it'll be better at Hogwarts, I assured myself.

"And when I got to Hogwarts guess what happened?

He waits for me to continue, not the active audience I hoped for. I answer myself, "When I went to Hogwarts it wasn't the haven from bullying I expected. It was in fact, more bullying from stupid pure bloods calling me the m word. My best mate even bullied me."

"But I am a strong woman. I hexed those pure bloods and I enchanted my sister's things until I got the respect I deserve."

"The point of the public service announcement is some aren't as strong. I want to stand up for the weak. I would like you to make the work conditions for house-elves-."

"Ms. Evans I may have a better job for you."

Dumbledore interrupts me. He places a piece of parchment in front of me. He asks, "Have you ever heard of the Order of the Pheonix?"

Before the quidditch game I go into the boys changing room. I stand on the other side of the cloth. He stands on one side.

I whisper, "Good luck, James. Thank you for helping me with my speech it helped a lot. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

I can hear him smile. He says, in a cocky voice, "Well you could go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend."

I smile, "Maybe."

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