Too Much Butterbeer

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"P-Potter!" Lily calls drunkingly. I turn around. She stumbles to catch up with me. "Yes, Darlin'?"

She pokes his nose, "Your cute..."

I raise my eyebrows. "Really?" I ask.

She doesn't answer but moves on. She yells into the empty hallway, "Get me more b-butter b-beerr." She leans against the wall and giggles.

I keep walking. She runs towards me and hugs my waist. She whispers in my ear, "I want you in.. my ..."

"You are so drunk, Evans," I laugh.

"In my pants," She finishes. She passes out and falls to the ground. But not before I could catch her.

I throw her over my shoulder like a fireman. I take the short cut to the Gryffindor common room.

After years of trying to get up to the girls dormitory, I know the stairs would turn into a slide.

I turn to the boys dormitory and bring her up there. I put her on my bed. She relaxes into my pillow. I pull my sheet over her. She morphs into the bed.

Her fire hair spreads across the pillow. She has a smile on her face. I lean down and kiss her cheek.

She sleeps like a baby.

(A/N that was bad. I am taking suggestions for stories!)

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