Dress Code

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I walk down to the court yard. It is hot.

Not like, 'oh I don't think I need a jacket' hot, or 'this is warmer then usual' hot. It is like, 'I am going to die of heat stroke' hot.

I wear nice booty shorts and a tank top. My hair is swept up in a messy pony tail. I look good. Or I would if I wasn't sweating from every pore in my body.

"Misses Evans!" Professor Abernathy screams. James stops beside me and looks over at the situation. The overweight man walks over to me.

"You need to change at once! Your clothes do not follow the dress code! We do not want loose women representing Hogwarts!" He yells. Red patches splotch my skin. "Why are you sexualizing me me?" I ask. Then I grab a boy with no shirt, "Does he follow the dress code. You can't talk to me like that!"

The professors voice grows deep, "If you speak to me like that you will be getting months of-"

"Professor, if you speak to me like that again I will single handidly kick your ass!"


James walks down into the great hall. He is wearing 5 inch stalletos, booty shorts, and a push up bra, no shirt. He walks up to Professor Douchebag and lays on the table in front of him.

He asks, "Am I too loose, Professor?"

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