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"What if I am a horrible father? What if our kid likes to draw abstract art? What will we talk about!"

Lily laughs at worried James. He shoves his hair out of his eyes and looks at her.

"This is serious!"

"No, I am Sirius," Sirius says, looking up from his wizards chess. James rolls his eyes. Lily snorts.

James looks at her with pleading eyes. He is so worried that worries are falling out of his ears.

Lily opens her arms to him. He is too cute.

"Oh, Baby, c'mere."

He sits on her lap with a frown. He buries his face in her hair, "What if it doesn't like me?"

Lily takes her face out of her hair and reassures him, "You will be the best father. And anyway if you don't work out, Sirius seems hot enough."

Sirius looks up again and winks.

James smiles even though his mood contradicts it. She takes his face in her hands and kisses his cheek. He smiles with his cheeks.

Lily says, "No, no, we will et a cat as practice. What's the difference between having a cat and having a kid?"

°~° °~° °~°

The puffy ginger cat struts between them. It purrs when James pets it.

James whispers, "We will call you Crookshanks."

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