Keeping Warm

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The overwhelming cold fills the house. James stands in there tiny kitchen fuming. Both of there breaths are white in the air. He paces around, his lips are almost blue.

"It's just the power is out, James, baby, put on a jacket," Lily pleads.

He shakes his head and says angrily, "No, No! It is the death eaters, I know it, they are playing with my fucking brain!"

The winter is colder with the presence of death eaters all around them.They have only been together for a year. They are spending the winter months in an old abandoned muggle house, mad eye moody said they would be safe there.

Lily grabs his arm. His whole being is shivering. Lily brings him to her bedroom, where she had piled all of the blankets on the household.

They both are scared out of their minds. This war is the scariest things they have ever experienced.

They get under the blankets and cuddle, trying to keep warm. They are still cold. Their hands and bodies are chilled.

James whispers into her gorgeous, cinnamon smelling hair, "I'm sorry. I am just scared."

She turns around so their bodies are facing each other. She has never been in bed with a boy before. It seems silly she has been in many battles to the death but not even sat in bed with a boy.

He looks so scared.

She puts her hand on his chin and brings it to her lips. Her smooth lips touch his with great pleasure.

The kiss is soft. Their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. Lily slips her hands under his shirt on his warm back. They break the kiss and lily lies her head on his chest.

They breathe together. James holds her tight, never wanting to let go. They fall asleep.

The room is now warm with love.

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