Look Alikes

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James sits at the table they has strategically placed so they could watch Harry. Lily brings over a hot steaming plate of food.

Today is the day.

James looks down at him, "Can you believe he is already getting married?"

Lily shakes her head with a bite of the sandwich. A balloon of pride fills in his chest. They had already moved on from being frustrated that they weren't there to witness Harry's life but it opened an old wound for both of them.

Harry stands in a black tux in the Weasley's backyard. Ron stands behind Harry not looking down the aisle but looking over at the maid of honor.

Coming down the aisle is Ginevra Weasley. Lily and James' about to be daughter in-law.

Her hair is in a bun tied at the base with a braid. Her dress looks like a hand-me-down from her mother. It is tea length satin with a coat of tool embroidered with flowers. The collar of the tool reaches just above her collarbone. The tool continues down her arms to a quarter length sleeve. Her white tights have a slight hole in the knee. She is marvelous.

Lily reaches for James' hand and says, "She's beautiful."

The ceremony is beautifully simple. After their vows and their kiss they both grin like fools in love. They walk down the aisle and James whispers,

"They look like us."

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