A Dress

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Wiping his clammy hands down the sides of his trousers, James glances up the staircase every time he hears a noise. All the other guys are here too and none of them look too nervous except him. Sirius and him lean against a wall and watch each girl descend down the stairs and glide into the ball. 

One by one they come down, each girl a princess for a second. James taps his foot anxiously and Sirius lets out a laugh. Sirius's date is bouncing down the stairs and it seems like they are about to have a good night. 

"Don't worry Mate," Sirius says before turning. "Enjoy your victory dance."

Which was a very annoying comment but sadly fitting. After playing about thirty games of wizard chess and winning (barely barely winning) sixteen of them, Lily Evans had to go to the seventh year ball with him. 

If she won he probably would have had to keep his mouth shut for a week or maybe perform a dance in the great hall. But he had won fair and square and she hadn't seemed too bothered by it. 

His leg bounces as each guy was greeted by their date and he wonders a few times that she had stood him up. His swagger is noticeably missing and is replaced by a fast heartbeat. 

When the last guy leaves James is determined to stand here all night until Lily walks down. But he doesn't wait too much longer because once the door to the ball closes leaving James alone  her shoes clink against the floor. 

Lily had stood by the entrance for an hour watching girls go down, trying to gather her courage. A few times she was about to leave completely and then she looked down from her peephole to see Potter waiting for her. And when she sees his hair, that was probably nicely done at the beginning of the night, is now a mess from his constant fiddling she doesn't want him to wait all night. 

But, she reasons, it is easier to walk down when it is only was James. So she takes a deep breath and turns the corner with a timid smile. 

Finally, they both think with relief as their eyes meet. Lucky for them no one is their to notice the joy that lights up their faces and the blush that stains their cheeks. 

Lily wears a short black dress with a sheer layer that twirls and black tights, socks and boots. Her hair is crimped and curled so much it frizzes away from her face. James is matching her with black robes. 

Lily laughs out loud. She does a twirl for James and he offers Lily his arm, "m'lady."

"You look nice, Potter," she compliments. Her eyes tug on his, not able to quite stop looking. "Only nice?" He grins, "You look magnificent." 

Now there is only a small space between them, his lips parted slightly and her cheeks like cherries. His eyes pull on her and she- 

She is kissing him and he is kissing her and her hands are in his hair and she is drowning in his lip. And then she is pulled back. 

Giggling she fixes his hair and wipes his mouth a little to get her lip stick off. And he can't stop staring at the goddess in his arms and how did he get so lucky? 

"Ready to party?" 

"I am following you, Evans. Wherever you go."

"Then let's go," she grins back and leads him into the ball.

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