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Lily sets her chin on James' shoulder for the slow dance, only to be stabbed in the cheek.

"Ow," She flinches back. James asks, "You don't like it?" Lily looks at the base of James' neck.

James still couldn't get over how Lily Evans was at this dance with him. Lily sees a bowtie on James. He sees her staring and says proudly, "I enchanted it to change to the color of my mood."

Lily scrunches up her nose and says, "Really? A bowtie?"

He says defensively, spinning her around, "Bowties are cool!" Right now, his tie is a confident navy blue.

Lily shakes her head, "Not really."

He rolls his eyes and the conversation is over. Lily says with a naughty tone, "What color would it turn if I..?"

She leaned in and kissed him. It was hungry and lovely. The bowtie turned a deep red purple and his ear turn a deep red.

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