Runaway Princess

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Far in another realm not part of the three main realms, a planet with greenery and nothing else but greenery is calmly rotating in the midst of seven other planets that pours out miasmas of different colors.

Inside the planet of greenery, hidden within one of the many forest is a girl in a hooded robe.

She stays low to the ground and flat to the tree. Inhaling and exhaling to take breaths that she doesn't necessarily needs to take, stops her heart from not beating and pump blood through her body at high speeds to circulate it on time.

Approaching the tree are a group of twelve people, all of them donned in armor and with spears as their weapon. They calmly approach the exact tree the girl hides behind.

They were to reach when the two at the front stop and turns back to face the remaining ten.

"She's not the one, it's one of those trees sleeping beasts." The first one says as he looks around.

"How did you know, was there no pulse, cold aura, no heartbeat, no nostril movement!" One of the ten guys asked as he doubted it wasn't the person they were searching for.

"The thing behind the tree had none of those, it wasn't exuding cold but warmth, snoring in it's sleep, a slow and steady heartbeat followed by a sharp pulse! That's a goddamn soul petrifying Qanda, if you're willing to risk true death by staring at a Qanda that might wake from it's sleep, then be my guest!" The guy says as he walks forward and begin jogging again to continue their search for the person.

The girl behind the tree checked around for any of the guards after her, saying as there's no one around she continues running passing through the dark Forest.

I'm getting out of the forest through the other part she make sure there's no one around and quickly digs a hole in the floor.

She digs a few feet down and links to another part below the ground, a tunnel below the ground leading to somewhere else that only she knows, the path she has been preparing for years. With the title she held, she was unable to leave the kingdom or go anywhere without it being for the betterment of the kingdom, but there would be a day when she needs to leave not for the betterment of the kingdom or per the kingdom wish, but for herself.

She had been anticipating the day that have beloved will come back, the day that news of his return will reach her and the day she will have to go back to him to proclaim her rights and spot in his heart. The day she would have to return to his arms that always exuded warmth that reached the depth of her dead heart.

Although her kinsmen were all the same, dead heart, cold bodies, dead everything, but since the first time she came in contact with him as children, she enjoyed the feeling of being alive.

Their families were not exactly in support if it, but it was her mother that betrothed her to him with the support of her and his family. Since then they would always have dates where they would come to meet each other and have their alone time together.

Although they would always have alone time but they were nothing but just children then, so they only did children things, playing, talking, playing and playing again, but sometimes they would sleep off when they did play and when their parents comes to get them they would have to separate the cold from the hot, as the two would be tightly entangled to each other.

Back then both of them just knew they were together as friends, and they liked each other but it wasn't until the news of his death got to her, that she realized it was more than friendship with how much she missed him and how much her dead heart always ached.

It was when she grew she realized the feeling she was always having since he left was the feeling of love, but she knew he was coming back she knew he reincarnated himself even before the news became public, but as for when he was coming was what she didn't know.

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