Disturbed peace leads to...

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Raising his hand a dazzling beautiful flame filled with every color you can imagine appeared on his palm looking like a docile hologram without the littlest heat, but as Aion flicks his wrist and the flames leaves his hand it changes it's personality and became wild.

The flame landed on one of the Serpolves carcass and within seconds covers it whole, before Aion could even have the chance to take in a breathe the carcass has been reduced to ashes.

Aion walks up to it, bends down and start checking through it with his fingers. He removes his hand along with it he holds three more crystals, tiny and small.

[Item: Crystal.

Name: Tribulations crystal.

Description: The tribulations crystal of old, required from a being that wants to play god.]

"Uhm I don't really understand much from that explanation but he could guess a bit about it being an important ingredients of one chases to attain godhood.

He throws that piece inside his shadow and burns the rest of the Serpolves bodies. He retrieved all the crystals from the ashes and then used his shadow to scatter all the ashes and made the area free of evidence.

'Now system! Where did you say you felt that god aura!'


Glyscyra and Meriel had somehow ended up together, they had both been sent into one of the hurricane zones.

Glyscyra thought she could find a space in between to pass through but she found out it was not only wind suction from the hurricane but the area around also had something like wind blades moving in the wind.

She found out when he person she was teleported with got shredded trying to do the same thing. From then she was just set in finding a safe spot amidst the hurricanes where she could rest and wait out the moving disaster.

He was searching for a safe spot when she found Meriel in a dug out small cave that Meriel herself had dug out, and since then they have been waiting out together for the hurricanes to leave.


Rill was one of the few (un)lucky guys. He was teleported to a calm environment with grassland and and flowers everywhere, along with about two hundred others.

At first no one knew what to do so they all moved together, walked together and searched together.

Until beasts started to appear after noticing their abundance of energetic life force. The beasts posed no threats with everyone together, they all collectively attacked any beasts but the problem started when their humanity kicked in.

Greed! A sin present in all lifeforms, the only difference was the amount in each person and how well the person could overcome the control of it, but there are some certain times when something such as collective greedy situations happen, this situations happens when there is a multitude of people entangled in a greedy situation, the external greed amplifies each person internal greed and they fail to control themselves and at that moment transforming onto creatures of greed.

Beast core where not exactly a problem or something special that everyone would want, but when someone explained that the gods field was governed over by a currency which is actually the main goal of every participant in the gods field every ten years the field opens.

Immediately greed overcame everyone and they began to fight themselves for the coins. This led to the death of over fifty of them, but no one cared about the death of others as at that point some were no longer even fighting for the coins anymore but just trying to save their heads.

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