His origin

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"When a being learns a law to the end which means being the lord over such law, the being is changed from being called a being to bring called a Personification. Personification at that time was a revered title given to those who learns and completely lord over a law, but now to become a personification you don't even need to lord over a law, if you can lord over an element then you'll also he titled a personification. Such is to the Olympians and Romanians, oh yeah and those Norsemen, all of them are just a little over the realm of godhood and they lord over and element but they all call themselves personification, whereas they are not worthy or being leagued together with people like Thanatos...

... Back to Thanatos, oh you might be wondering, calling the name of Thanatos doesn't create some sort of natural phenomenon like lightning cackling or thunder rumbling, or the earth quaking like when you mention names like the all father Odin, or the king Zeus, along with primordials like the siblings Gaia, Tartarus, and the others I've forgotten, they went missing after the third war. Now we mention, Thanatos and nothing happens, well that's because we no longer see him as a god, primordial, or divine entity, but as our family and I mean to both of us alone, don't worry I'll still get to the reason why, but during the third war...

... He had arrived and ended the war after being unknown throughout the beginning of the world to the current time of the battle. As he made himself known, the weaker beings detested him and fought him for trying to stop them from sealing the primordials, they thought he was afraid he would be sealed along so they got bold and fought him, while the primordials themselves also thought he was siding along with the weaker beings and since they don't know him or have ever seen him before they too fought against him, but that was when it happened...

... Thanatos, singlehandedly fought against seven hundred and sixty four primordials and thirty million other beings. At the end of it all, he didn't kill a single person, no matter how he beat them black and blue, no matter how many heads he decapitated with his scythe, no matter how many he pulverized into oblivion, not a single life was lost in that battle, that was when he announced himself to be the only one successful in lording over one of the two supreme chaotic laws, he lorded over the law of death and with this he was able to deny death to everyone in the war as they were proven to come back to live even after their bodies were squashed into meat paste...

... He settled the war back then by explaining to them a different concept than they knew off, he had said primordials or weaker beings was just a classification according to strength, but what one truly was can only be called a race, and since then we have been classified as races as the person who stopped the war, said there was nothing as weaker beings but rather weaker races and this brought about the aspect of racial founding, he also gave himself a race, specified go only him alone, because even after searching the whole world there was no one like him and there can't be because he lords over a supreme law which means he can't be duplicated naturally unless he bear an offspring, and truthfully there was no one else like him, no one to share the same race as him, he was lonely at the top, the only one of his kind...

... An Ancient."


Tang Zhan's heart skip a beat as he heard the name the dragon had mentioned. The dragon as well noticed this as it looked at Tang Zhan strangely before it then had a look of realization.

"The name sounds pretty scary and untainted right? Almost like it's so holy and divine that little folks like us must not stain it's perfection by speaking it." The dragon concluded on the reason why Tang Zhan's heart had given such a worrisome feedback.

"Y-yeah yeah, I can still feel myself shaking in fear, it's like he is going to appear beside us any moment from now, hahaha... Haha... Haaa..." He smartly played along, although his awkward laughter almost gave it away but the dragon just raised it's brow in confusion as it cleared it's throat to calmly continue it's story.

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