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[Quest: Losing to Grad, the girl has lost her chances of entering the gods field and also her chance of redeeming her life. Save her life and she'll be forever indebted to you.

Rewards: Increased reputation, increased fame, +20 stats points.

Duration: Two hours.

Penalty: N/A.]

[Special Quest: Faction.

Type: Continuum Quest.

Details: Start the creation of your faction as well, by adding your first member.

Rewards: Anchor of existence(fragment piece), increased general reputation, +⁰¹⁰.

Duration: A day.

Penalty: N/A.]

Aion followed the others as they searched for the girl. It didn't take long, as they had already spotted her before and they only just followed the area they saw her leaving through.

Leaving dejectedly and anxious, the girl walked away. Her mind unable to form any comprehensible words or thoughts as it remained jumbled, she was only walking by in reality she was already empty inside, her soul had left her body and was sitting atop her head just waiting for the bonds holding it to the body to be severed.

Suddenly her hand was yanked hard, as she fell backwards into Aion arms. A special unique warmth envelopes her as it seems through her very being and calms her worries down with a promise of utter safety and protection.

She stays a few seconds enjoying the calm and warmth before she then raises her head to look at the person that had grabbed and hugged her.

As she looks at Aion's face, she suddenly had a feeling about him, about his unwelcomed aura to the world and yet it's perfect synchrony with it. A being that was not of this world but yet is a pillar to the world's existence. A being of the maximum but is humbled to the minimum.

Her senses were overwhelmed and filled with a form of praise to Aion and the desire to worship his feet as a supreme deity, but it was all a unique type of hypnosis Aion didn't know he has.

It was a charismatic hypnosis, that makes everyone visualize him as the lord over the realms, but it's requirements were for one to have a soul stronger than others.

Aion has a good and strong soul, but it is not strong enough to make this passive skill work on people yet, perhaps it could on low intelligence domestic animals, but not on humans, at least not yet.

Yet it had affected the girl as Aion successfully secured a perfect first impression, and it was because of the girl's mental state and condition.

She is on the verge of death, her mind and body are no longer united, and even her soul had detached a bit from her body and there is no longer unity between the trio, which is what caused her soul strength to lower enough for the hypnosis to work on her.

Seeing her expression that said her soul was back inside her body and her mind was functioning well, Aion used the chance to shake her up, as she stared back into his eyes.

"Don't go back!" He said, immediately catching her off guard.

"It is not over yet, I ca- we can still help you and it will be alright"

The girl cocks her head sideways as she foolishly stared at Aion without understanding his words.

It was not exactly that she didn't understand his words, it was more like her brain doesn't correlate his words for her ongoing situation, and she just doesn't link his words to her problem and she also doesn't see a different matter in which she can match his words with.

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