Inside gods field

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Meng Luoyang takes three steps forward, and was directly taken into the vortex disappearing into it while the vortex itself turn unstable, but after a minute it became stable and was ready to take in the next person.

The girl walked forward skipping and smiling, but as she gets to the vortex her bright expression dwindles but nobody could see that, nobody except from the person that had been looking around since with closed eyes, she also whispers.

"Cheater I have helped you, I'll be needing yours soon enough." Her face turns bright again as she directly jumps inside screaming. "Yippy!"

Glyscyra and the team helped Aion down the rock as they stood before the vortex waiting for another one minute for the vortex to regain stability.

"Are we going to just throw him inside without any safety. He is still unconscious what if he gets attacked by beasts? And two people can't go in at once!" Grad says expressing his concern but Glyscyra pats him on the shoulder.

"Even if he was to goes in unconscious, he is going to be safer than you going in awake and alert, so don't be bothered!" Glyscyra explains making sure she hinted at the fact that he wasn't unconscious.

Rill shakes his head with a smile as he pats Grad's back. "Seems like the female sixth sense is proficient in many things, right Grad... Hahahahah!"

Grad eye twitches at the fact that he wasn't included in such a important plan, "Meriel did you also know about this, did your female thingy also let you know?"

Meriel expression turns aloof and detached from this world, as she poses like a grand sage about to lecture a group of ignorant students after thousands of years of learning and experiencing while transverse the universe.

"Ever since he came out, and swung his scythe, he made sure he swung it in our direction and when the scythe covered his hand he made a 'okay' sign. Also when he knelt down and dropped his scythe everyone was looking at his palm but not at the shadow that wrote 'act', and when we all caught him and held him he gave a thumbs up, I'm stumped to how you missed all of this without knowing or noticing one!"

Grad and Rill mouths were both wide open but before they could complain or defend their inability, the portal opens stabilizes while Glyscyra and Meriel swing Aion inside, hoping he won't have a rough landing on the other side.

After throwing Aion inside, the team goes back to join the long line of seated awaiting rankers, entering the vacant spaces left for them according to their ranks.


Aion lands on his feet as his scanned around with his eyes closed and his ears open.

Seeing as there is nothingchanged and no one within his radar, he relaxes as he breaks out in a smile.

'That scenario was hilarious, it took me every willpower not to burst out laughing when Glyscyra went up to play the part! Gosh that was funny!' as he reminisces his shadow crept up his body and covered over his skin, then as the shadow receded back down under his feet, his clothes were . He was no longer in the tattered clothes and all the stains on his body was gone, both the dust stains and the blood ones, everything was gone.

Aion stretches and many of his bones pop back in place, twisting sideways and folding in, numerous popping sounds rang out until it all stopped and nothing popped again.

'I really tried with that staging, the system should recognize my efforts and reward me, imagining holding on to an injury without letting it regenerate.' Aion looks at his chest and some other parts of his body that were with bone deep wounds.

Then as he releases his muscle that he had held tense ever since he came out of the shadow space, he could instantly see the muscles squirming with vigor and even more faster than before, it was as if they were annoyed they were held back and they wanted to strike back with equal force.

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