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"A- a- apocalypse... you mean apocalypse, like that one where cannibals run around on a rampage, that same one?". Tang Zhan who had happily put a dumpling in his mouth spat in out at the same time.

[you have 19:43 minutes to prepare]

' there's no use panicking about this, the system is correct... I need to prepare for this, show me inventory '

[Inventory slot: 20]

Tang Zhan picked up the phone and dialed his sister's number, but all he got was unavailable.

He tried again and again and on the seventh trial, it went through.

" Hello, who's this?" He could hear his sister's voice on the line, and without delay started questioning.

"sister I heard you were at the supermarket, right?!". He questioned but didn't even wait for her reply, before he continued.

"get the most spacious backpacks you find, take them as I am saying this, right NOW!"

"okay, okay..."

"get 100 of it and stick it with different kinds and types of foods, mostly canned food and raw food "

Tang Zhan stood up and went to gather all their maids and workers into the main mansion and also telling them to put the house on a lock down.

"Get silenced guns, plenty of that, high impact grenades, get a solar panelled charger, three metal tight combat suits... are you taking them?"

At this point, all the workers were worried and panicky, they were even murmuring, but Tang Zhan didn't bother.

"yes we've picked everything, what else?" Tang Zhan could hear the sarcasm behind his sister's voice but he didn't bother, after all they would soon know what would happen.

"get back home, is Banjo with you?"

"yeah" He could hear passing of phone, and after a while heard a different voice.

"sir! what can I do?"

"Banjo, drive the fastest you can, no matter what.. GET. BACK. HOME!" Why was Tang Zhan this worried, it was of course because of the countdown.

"Hello son why are you calling we're in a meeting" Tang Zhan had called his father and it had been picked on the first ring.

"Father can you and mother get home before the next 5 minutes?" He questioned, and he could hear his father make an ' uhn '.

"Son our office is basically on the other side of the city, it'll at least take us an hour to get home, even if Banjo was to drive it will still take 30 to 40 minutes, what happened, do you need help with something?"

"Father, stay locked up in your office, in fact put the whole office on a lockdown, and get enough food, and whatever you do, do not make noise, warn all your office members, I'll come and get you. Also put your phone on silent "

He cut the call, and looked out the mansion from a crack in the curtain, towards the gate, then his eyes also went to what was on the right side of the curtain.

[You have 05:03 minutes to prepare]

' experience point '

[Level: 0(Exp: 210/100).]

[Level up available]

' okay level up ' He said making sure that every single minute counted.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[You have leveled up.

Attributes points: 11 +2.

skill point: 0.1.]

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