Victor Blaze(2)

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The two guards confusingly looked at each other, before turning their head back to look at the man who called himself Victor Blaze.

"Victor Blaze? Never heard of it before, you must have been a peasant who stole a copter to survive"

"aren't you guys meant to be the resistance?" Victor asked with an irk.

"yes and so, how does that matter in this."

"you guys came together to help those that you can help, since the military doesn't, so why are you still protesting against my action?"

"protesting against your action? Hahahaha... here, we are the law that binds everything, it's either you f**k off of you be obedient and follow the rule!"

"I'm too lazy to be following rules, I don't like following rules neither do I like setting them, but during this flight you are going to have to listen to me".

As he said this the the men started laughing, the other people around that were listening in on their conversation also began to laugh.

"who is this guy, he is better off as a comedian than a survivor!"

"even if he was rich before, he shouldn't get stuck in that timeline, he should come back to reality!"

"don't you know people like him, he must be a politician's son, those waste of Nigeria"

Murmurs went by passing the ears of Victor, but he continued to stand unmoved by their speech.

'well seems like they want the hard way out'

"I have ten dynamite crates I was preparing incase I ran into hordes of zombies, but it seems like you guys want to be the one to taste it"

He claimed while showing the button he kept in his pocket. The button looked just like a bomb activation button, but it was infact a toy.

A toy he had since his childhood, he usually used to use the toy to prank a lot of children, but he got tired of pranks because of how stressful it was to prepare one.

Now that was the same button he was using to threaten these people. The eyes of some people widened so much it looked like chinese plate.

"He has dynamites, we are all going to die!"

"I'm far from the dynamite, I can guarantee getting out of here with some injuries, but what about the zombies that would be attracted by the sound"

"we can't survive another wave of zombies, we don't have enough ammo"

The survivors began to panic, rushing readily away from the area of the copter that suddenly looked more scary than a mutated zombie.

"Now after I enter you guys will form a line and enter orderly or else you won't want to know what I can do" Victor said as he entered the plane passing by the two guards that froze up on themselves.

Less than thirty minutes later, the plane was stocked up and ready for take off. The pilots voice came over from the comm, repeatedly warning about the use of seatbelts.

With a slight shake and a continuous humming, the plane drove along the run way that was filled with dead undeads, then finally the plane was in the air and everyone was finally able to let out a sigh of relief, not that the place they were going to wasn't as bad as the rest, but because the place they were going to, provided a better chance of survival.


Two hours gone into the flight, Victor was thinking of his next course of action, should he follow the resistance after they land, or he should move on his own.

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