Three Lecterns

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"What do I do?"

Tang Zhan secretly smiled to himself as he thought, 'heh, Kairos uhn! Telling me your name was your biggest mistake'.

Kairos smiles dropped as it turns to a calculating frown.

'you can hear me right, I said telling me your name, was your biggest mistake' Tang Zhan smile deepened even more.

"I told you, your tricks are useless." Kairos clone says as he silently watches Tang Zhan shadow sneakily surround the area beneath him. "It is truly useless in the face of true strength".

Kairos shot forward like an arrow, exceeding the speed of sound. Tang Zhan's eyes was enable to catch his movement, he couldn't even see the blue, but something else was in his favour... his shadow.

The area around his shadow has partially become a domain of some sort, and nothing that happens in ones domain hoes unnoticed, including the literally teleporting Kairos.

Tang Zhan eyes widened in horror, as he hastily tries to conjure his scythe out of the shadow, while his left hand approaches to grasp it. The speedily moving Kairos notices this as he moves to Tang Zhan's right to avoid the scythe as he feels a destructive energy from it.

As Kairos get close enough to hit Tang Zhan, his expression changed. From one where his eyes widened in shock and fear, to one where the edges of his lip were angled upwards, but it was too late for Kairos to move back or out of Tang Zhan's range.

To which Tang Zhan's right hand shot out as fast as possible and grabbed tightly onto Kairos singular lock of hair.

"Seizing occasion by the forelock, to me that sounds more like 'seizing Kairos by his forelock', don't you think so too, Clone Kairos?" Tang Zhan smile widens into a grin as Kairos freezes in place.

Tang Zhan had guessed this before but his mind was too preoccupied to make any theory of the situation, but now he could clarify that truly the system doesn't actually work in this special environment.

'If the system can't work in some certain areas... then doesn't that mean there would be some places or a point in time where I won't have the system, wouldn't I be truly blind without knowing my assets, no quests, no exp, no way of identifying, shit! I have to find a way out in the future' Tang Zhan takes a few seconds to rest, because just the few minutes he had interacted with Kairos and when they both made a move against each other was more than enough to deduct thirty years of his life.

He was about to start killing as much beast as he could, till he suddenly had a thought. 'Lately I've been feeling like something extremely important and useful would be taken from us, is it actually the system... If they could give it to all of us so easily, then they should be able to take it back equally, bu-' his train of thoughts were distracted by his shadow tugging at him again.

The shadow kept tugging at the same direction as before...

... The temple by the north.

Tang Zhan looked at the still frozen Kairos, then he dashes to the location the shadow kept tugging at.


Two minutes has passed since Kairos froze up, and Tang Zhan is now standing before a temple.

The stairs before him is at least fifty steps to the top. While the thick pillars were as tall as twenty men stacked together. The walls were decorated with different hieroglyphs brightening the temple in an aurora of reddish colors.

Tang Zhan walks through the huge double doors, as he comes face to face with two cyclops, but they ignored and let him pass by.

He walks down the corridor with his shadow leading him all the way, until he gets to a different section of the temple. In this section he felt unwelcomed and forbidden, his whole existence felt like a stain before the doorless room, but he Gould ascertain that it wasn't the room that made him feel less than a living being rather, it was the items on the three lectern up ahead.


Tang Zhan swallows nervously, he doesn't know why but the items up ahead threatens him more than even Kairos, or the endless amount of terrifying beasts outside.

He shakily breathes in and out, as he boldly walks in.


His drops down on his knees, with just a single step into the room his knees crushed forcefully against the ground. He couldn't even put up resistance for a millisecond, his hands were the only thing supporting him from laying flat on the ground.

"Blech!... I- (keuk)... knew, it... (gasp)..." Tang Zhan pukes out whatever it was that still remained in his stomach, as he grits his teeth in pain.

Withstanding the pressure, Tang Zhan forces himself to stand upright, but during the process he could hear his bones cracking and fracturing all over, he didn't have to despair for too long as he could also sense his regeneration kicking in, fighting a war with the destruction that was being rained into his body.




Every step he took forward left an imprint on the ground, feet sized holes being left behind in the solid concrete ground. By the time he got to the first two lecterns placed side by side, his eyes was bleeding as he had stretched them too much causing them to tear at the edges, he was also bleeding from his mouth his excessive teeth grinding against each other had caused his gums to wear and tear continuously.

Looking at the first item on the first lectern, he could see a type of paper with a rune inscribed in it. He doesn't know why but after looking for a while, he suddenly can understand the word as it reads. 'μόνιμος' or as he understands it to be 'permanent'.

The next item is a paintbrush, the handle is brown with grey spiral coming down from the ferule to the bottom, while the heel to the toe of the brush itself was a mixture of different colours blending in with each other.

Just looking at it, Tang Zhan feels the urge to hold and twirl it in his hands, but the third item on the last lectern draws his attention.

Dragging his legs to the third lectern, he looks over at the item atop it but immediately spits out blood, his heart thumps wildly before immediately going silent, his blood runs cold as his eyes lost all light within them...

... he died.


Back at the beasts field, Kairos stands in the same position unable to move. His body frozen in time, stuck in a limbo.

Although he was frozen on the outside, but in the inside he was raging with burning fury, blazing like the deepest parts of Tartarus, the beasts around scattered away from him with a radius of more than a mile.

'that kid, I'm going to kill him, how dare he hold my lock... How dare h-'


In the distance where the temple was located, a high pitched explosion went off, along with it was a mushroom cloud reaching up to ten miles in the air, with it comes a strong pressure that blasts all around like a tsunami.

Some of the weaker beasts dies immediately, many more crumbling to the ground whimpering in fear and panic. None of them dared raised their eyes from the ground.

'what has that kid done... he has brought soon upon us all...'


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