Settling old scores

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Glyscyra truly did as the team had predicted, and they were starting to think she inherited some things from their unruly party member, Grad.

She was boasting about her shooting skills, and about how she was able to think on her feet, she was blasted about her hand to hand combat skill, and Aion felt sorry for the guy that had unknowingly decided to let an Amazonian fight hand to hand, something they were taught right from their childhood.

Rill suddenly sucks in a deep breath, as he walks forward. "I might not be able to challenge an high ranker than you, but whomever it is I challenge will lose to me."

"Oooh!" The team all exclaimed, except from Meriel who hasn't still been able to mingle well with them.

Aion looks at her and as she looks up their eyes makes contact and he nods at her, to which she meekly puts her head back down.

Rill climbs the rock as well, and this time he didn't need to shout to get attention as every was more than eager to see what the next member of the team could do.

Rill sighs as he then solidify his posture, he removed his wand from the inside of his blue robe.


A few seconds of silence, then the person that was challenged came out of the crowd and climbs the rock.

The guy was a giant as he stood at almost eight feets tall, his huge muscular arms as well all just makes his hugeness more pronounced. He easily towers over Rill, but that was not what caught the worry of the team, but it was rather Rill's shadowed face.

It was extremely obvious on his face that Rill was extremely annoyed beyond measure, the hatred and bloodlust spilling from him was even more to tell about.

"Why is Rill like that, he isn't someone to just direct bloodlust at someone, or to just hate anyone." Glyscyra says as she gets a nod from Grad.

"He is like water, calm and easygoing, but when something goes against water natural laws, that thing will only face the wrath of water, and I think this guy has done something terrible to Rill before." Grad says as he gave his opinion.

Aion looks at the giant that was cockily smirking at Rill, and then at Rill that was blinded by rage.


[Specie: Human.

Name: Lawrence.

Cultivation: 6th stage body refining realm.

Condition: Healthy.


Hp: 427

Strength: 97

Agility: 68

Mind: 65

Soul: 100%.

Fort: Skin.

Weakness: Head.]

Aion sees his stats plainly, but the main catch of his interest was the name.

[Name: Lawrence. Surname: Ithis.]

[Name: Rill. Surname: Ithis.]

"They are brothers." The whole team looked at Aion, even Meriel was shocked at that fact.

"His brother, but he holds killing thoughts, I can feel it the most!" Meriel spoke for the first time since joining them.

"They are brothers, they should be half-brothers and they are definitely on killing terms to each other." Aion says as everyone face back to the scene.

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