Let's humiliate

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Piecing together the puzzle, the natural negative affection of the other ladies, the awkward faces they have been making since he began requiring, and also the fact that they have been looking at him like he was some worthless piece of shit.

'ooohh! Now I get, so our dressing made them think we were some poor families just cruising and window shopping. Well then, why don't we just humiliate them while assisting this good miss.' Tang Zhan smiled deviously in his mind as he imagined their shocked faces when he pulls out his money.

"So you will be paying in installments, or at once?" The receptionist asked but her voice went down at the end, as one of her coworkers beside her pinched her leg and snickered.

"Of course... I'll be paying at once." Tang Zhan sarcastically teased as he pull out a pouch from thin air and fills it with exactly two thousand and fifty gold coins.


Gold: 14,650 --> 12,600

Silver: 0

Bronze: 0

Copper: 0.]

He hands over the pouch to the receptionist, as she then uses a special skill to count the gold coins in an instant.

Many people of the world, have to mingle together and interact harmoniously even though there are not the same, and that's because although they are not the same but the things that makes them different from each other is actually the same thing.

Depending on how one uses it it is named accordingly. To the magicians and spellcasters, they call it magic. To the cultivators they call it chi or qi. To the weapon binders and artifacts binders, they call it energy. To the sorcerers, wizards, witches and warlocks and so, they call it mana. Then to the deviants, they call it life force of the universe or shortened to LiFU.

Everyone uses it differently which is what causes them to be categorized differently, but it is the same energy everyone is utilizing. Some utilize it through their brain waves, some through their cores, some through their life, some through their major meridians, some through their sub meridians, others through the muscles or body part, while some through a weapon bound to them or their artifact and item they use, but it is all the same.

Except to the deviants, and as they are called they are the once different from the norms of the others. Many deviants are blessed in some crazy ways no one else can understand, they are just mysterious and special , but that is only to the true deviants, because there are some defect of deviants.

Impure and imperfect, roughened up and incapable of displaying power above the body refining realm, during their childbirth all deviants pass a spiritual unseen and unable to feel or know about tribulation, this tribulations is a way of saying if you truly want to be a deviant you have to start you tough times right from birth and if you can't pass this small test, then you're not worthy of being a deviant or even anything in general.

So after the failure if the tribulations and means of them utilizing energy to grow stronger is usually crippled, but as previous deviants they all retain a small piece of their previous glorious power, but they just never amount to much in the society.

Such as the receptionist that attending to Tang Zhan, she is a dregviant also know as dregs of deviants. She retained a little of her abilities when she failed to pass the tribulation after her birth, and the ability she had retained is something similar to either eye value reading, or brain speed burst. Either of this two is owned by every receptionist as they are needed for their quick ability to read and know the value of objects.

Eye value reading is similar to a scan, any item placed before them and is captured under the use of their skill will be laid bare and instantly valued, as they are able to know the value of items numbering in million just in an instance.

As for brain speed burst, owners of this skill are able to have a short speed burst at most it last for a few seconds, but for that few seconds all their brain activity is multiplied by thousands and they are able to use their brain at more than hundred the regular person speed, some use it at being oral teachers, while some use it at the counter and desk to count values of money or calculate them.

The lady counts the value of the gold coins as she finishes three seconds later. Exactly, she had used three seconds to count two thousand gold coins.

"Sir, I think you made a mistake..." The lady said after counting the money, making her coworkers to all snicker as they believed their words were coming to pass about Tang Zhan being a poor person. They all raised their heads to see and count the value of the coins Tang Zhan gave, but they stopped as they heard the words of their coworker that was attending to him.

"... The coins you gave me is fifty gold coins more than the price."

Tang Zhan smiled as he saw the more than shocked faces of the other ladies on their seats as they were all stretching their heads making their expression even more miserable.

"Oh that! No it is no mistake, the two thousand gold coins is for the house I want to buy and the fifth extra is for you as a tip." He said casually and as if the money meant nothing to him, which was actually true, but to the coworkers of the lady it was like a dream. One of them even fell from her seat as she staggered of it in shock and regret.

"W-what, fo-for me... Sir I'm sorry I cannot take that, I don't know if I'll be burdening you by collecting this from you, it might be your families live savings I can't afford to collect it, my conscience won't allow me rest well." The lady refuted as she instantly packs fifty gold coins and tries to hand it back to Tang Zhan.

"I have more than times fifty the amount I gave you, it is nothing to me giving you fifty out of it." This word coming out of his calm honest looking mouth, made all the receptionist to start wondering as they even began running some calculations.

"So just take it and sign me my documents, and land ownership." Tang Zhan said as he made his voice sound a little hasty, making the lady to rush as she feared Tang Zhan might change his mind if she delayed and annoyed him.

'Fifty gold coins, fifty gold coins, ahahah, I'm rich. I make one gold per year and also make one gold if I help make a big sale, but now I'm getting the money for fifty years all at once. I'm rich.'

The lady prepared the documents as she gave Tang Zhan a ink pen as he signed in some documents before he is then giving a bunch of keys each of them with a number engraved on it.

"This is the key to your house, the biggest is to the compound gate while the rest are for the rooms inside. There is a kitchen, living room laundry room and a backyard door downstairs, then upstairs there are a total of nine rooms, six rooms on each sides along with two bathrooms, then the last one being the master bedroom that has it's master bathroom as well. Then through the backdoor downstairs, you'll be led to the backyard that consists of a free patch of cultivated land and a hot spring. After all this you also have the entire hill for yourself. I hope you will like the house and not have a reason to come back here for some dissatisfaction."

Tang Zhan turned as he rolled up his document and kept it in his inventory along with the house keys, "don't worry I'm sure we will all like it".

He then exited the building along with his family, as they open up the map they were given looking for how they would get to their destination, but then the lady pops out from behind them as she pointed to a carriage that was already waiting.

"Sir the map was not for your journey to go there, but for if you are trying to come back to the business area, we already have a carriage in wait that will provide you service to your abode." She explained as the carriage was truly prepared with a man seating in the driver's seat holding the reins to the two brown horses, with a whip in his other hand.

Tang Zhan looks at the lady questioningly, but she just shakes her head. "I promise you it is not the money you gave me I used for this, it is truly from the company." She says as she sees Tang Zhan finally believes her as he then thanks her while he pulls his family away as they all enter into the carriage, and the carriage is then pulled away.


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