... or not

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The edge of the hot spring is occupied by clean rocks and smooth smaller ones. That can be used for sitting. Then after that the hot spring is further divided at the centre by a much more huge rock, separating the spring into two sections.

Tang Zhan leaned over by the female side as he obviously could not help his curiosity or as he said but in reality he failed to hold in his temptation.

Temptation... The desire to do something wrong, this feeling had perversely invaded Tang Zhan's mind but he fought back with his will of steel, and he retreated without following through, but he didn't go far before his defences crumbled and now he is a voluntary puppet to the temptation.

The rocks by the side of the hot spring at the female section has different colored scrubs and scented soaps but the male side was totally empty.

The fragrance if the soap was carried along with the steam, and spreading around enticing nearby creatures including Tang Zhan who was trying to get a better view of the person bathing but the steam were slightly thick causing his view to be obstructed.

He leaned in further to try again but then the grass at the edge watching f the pit that has been accumulating steam over and over had all become wet and slippery without the knowledge of the unguarded boy, and so he slipped and fell straight into the hot spring.



A big splash followed after the fall of Tang Zhan as he fell beside the bathing X who only paused for a while before she continued bathing again.

His head rose from the water as he shakes his head clean, and he started swimming towards the ground that was filled with rocks.

"What wrong, trying to leave." X said startling him as he froze up on his spot.

"Since you already came why don't you just wait then, and you haven't even seen what you came here to see."

'Fuck! How does she kn- damn it, how could I forget such crucial information.' he realized he had fucked up. No matter what or where in this world even if he was a million times stronger that the strongest of the world and X was a billion to times weaker, he would never be able to sneak up on her, whether it be by staying invincible or by using that his shadow space, he would never be able to sneak up on someone who has a synchronic affection with him.

The closer they are to each other the louder the heartbeats but he mistook his for the fact that he was doing something wrong which was what was causing the rise of his heartbeat but now he had finally learned his lesson as he would no longer need to hide anything again for her...

... But for now he needs something else to use to change the topic.

Without turning he asked,"X what would you like to be, a martial arts cultivator, a magician and mage, or whichever one it is?"

"Why are you asking that now?" X rinsed her body with the water as she swam slowly towards the still frozen Tang Zhan.

"W-well it's because I won't be a- around" he said as he took a huge gulp.

He doesn't have it in mind to tell any one yet, he wasn't even sure he was going to tell them, because he feels like them knowing will potentially drag them into the unknown danger he is in, but then he found out that he could share his system items with anyone but the important ones like skills and such he could only share it with those that have a synchronic affection with him.

He doesn't yet know how to make Yufei's or Banjo's affection increase, but since X's affection was already at the level of synchronic, he decided to let her know.

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