Part 33

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I'm a little conflicted. It's like i don't really know how to take it. I am at Maria's house right now. It's me, Tone, Gino and Maria sitting here hanging out for the time being. The twins are at a school, and Kai is upstairs and i think he's sleeping. Tone was supposed to go to school too but he neglected to do so, so we are making him do some of that online home school work on his little laptop. He's taking some drivers Ed class on there and like it's kind of weird. But i brought up that I'm conflicted because turns out that he actually is dating Grace. And like Nai knows that I'm here and i think he feels some type of way about that because like i haven't been to his house yet. But like to be fair if he and Tone where still friends this wouldn't be a issue, in fact i probably would have went and spent the night at his house with Tone. But ya know...they low key seem to hate each other at this point. And i did make it a point to ask tone about the Daniel situation. Like he's fucking weird as shit for telling people about him sucking his dick. Like he really did. Even Manny's mom was told of that too. I don't know it's weird. HE is weird and like not right in the brain. 

I think while I'm here at Marias, I'm going to like write a bit through out the day. Like i don't really have time to sit and write for like a hour like i do at home. Just because there is almost a lot going on here all the time. I mean there's a shit ton of kids and shit. The only times i can like REALLY sit and type when it's dead in the house and I'm bored or like when everyone is at school or maria is at work. Which by the way she works at the school. Like she's a lunch lady at the school. She was years ago and like she ended up having Gino and was out of work for a few years. She said she would have gone back before the extended time, but not only is Marcelo a unreliable co-parent, but also she doesn't really trust people to take care of her kid without her present. Which i get to a extant, but then once Gino got in school so she has that morning time to work and the way schedules work with eh school, it worked out nicely. But like i do a lot around the house to help maria out simply because she doesn't really have help. Even though Kai is legit a full grown person and Marcelo is a co-parent. Why the fuck they can't help out ever is fucking beyond me. But i like to help plus they like my cooking too so i do be helping with dinner. When i tell people it's my chosen family i say that for a reason. So like i just want to help them because they've helped me. I love them so much. 

 I also miss my kitties I'm not gonna lie. That sounds so weird and like sappy but like i am a bit worried about them. It's like i know they're going to be fine, but i just hope they don't think I'm abandoning them. I mean i don't be gone for long periods for time that much anymore. Like i know that they are cat's and they don't really fully know what I'm saying but i do feel like they know some stuff. Especially like core words. I love that. But also like i tried to kind of tell them i was going to be gone for a few days. I did put out extra water and food for them. I make sure their little litter box is cleaned. Emma stops by to check on them and replenish the food or whatever they need. I also told her that they have treats and maybe give them some if they are like talking a lot, specifically Niko. I also left a little gift for Emma, some sun glasses and a necklace. The necklace was hers already i just found it and cleaned it up. But i kind of like leaving her stuff when i go too because it's like a small thank you. I think I'm going to take a pause right now maybe because the twins are almost home and i know little sis is going to want to hang out. Or I'm going to need to cook for the kids. Gino said he's hungry. So I'll be back later. 


I guess you can say I'm back. It's been a few hours. I hung out with the fam for a bit. And we even all got together and watched the movie trilogy that we really like. I feel like it's not super popular for whatever reason. But the Blackwell Ghost trilogy is honestly top tier and i don't know why more people don't know about it. They have 8 movies, and I'm presuming they are making a 9th, simply because of how they ended the last one. It literally said "to be continued". But they better make another one with the cliff hanger they left us with. Those films are like our family movies. I'm not sure when we started watching them, or even how many where already made by the time we started them. But it is a movie franchise that we will all sit down together and watch. And honestly, trying to get those little shits to sit down together and watch a movie or honestly do anything together is a BIG task. Like pulling teeth i swear. But a part of all of them really want to see those movies when they come out with with the new one, so we will make it happen. Also there was once that Tone told me that we fucking watched one of them without him. I mean i don't remember that but like...i felt so bad when he told me. I don't honestly remember that happening. Just because when ever we would always watch one of them we got together in the house and the couches we used to have we would set up like a small movie theater. It was so cute. One couch was a 3 seater and the other was a 2 seater love seat. We would move them the smaller in front of the bigger and like because the TV was mounted to the wall at the old place it was perfect. We still make it a thing, it's still like pulling teeth. But once we've gotten everyone in the room and sat and we have our snacks and popcorn, one of those films starts it's like so natural for all of us. Tone almost always tries to act like he doesn't want to be there, but then the movie be so good and we have a good time he knows it was worth it. We almost always either go to the gas station or like somewhere and get snacks specifically for the movie. It's a thing. It's always been our thing, even when i lived with them and right by them.

I loved those days. Like they lived right across the street and i was with them every day. It really meant something to me and to them. Romeo actually said something earlier and it kind of made me a little happy. Like he said some smart ass shit to me, and he was like "i mean you're like my little sister." And i was like bro what do you mean I'm older than you, i would be your older sister." He said, "whatever but like that's just how it is." And i kind of didn't even think about it much at the time but it was cute and it made me so happy for real. I love his annoying little ass. I feel like him and celeste really have been my little siblings for ever. And then with Gino, he's for real my baby. I've been around for so long with him and like he listens to me and plays with me like he's my kid or some kid of mine. I mean i helped him potty train, and he still wants us to wipe his ass when he shits. Like i feel like he is for real too old for that, but it's a long story and Marcelo legit made him scared of poop, so it's a problem within itself. It's weird how much of a shitty parent he is man. he really sucks. I mean earlier he told Gino that people that cry are ugly. Gino has a habit of taking his little wiener out because Marcelo legit thinks its funny and encourages it. He's done that as long as i can remember. That's fucking weird. He's so weird legit bro, like he will act like father of the fucking year when he is around his family and offers to take care of Gino and the kids. But then most of the time he isn't even home. And when he is home, he's mostly there to eat or sleep. Hardly spends time with the kids. I probably know more about his kids than he does. Maria and i talk about how different shit would have been for her and the kids if she hadn't been with him. But at the same time, the kids might have existed but they wouldn't have been what they are. But you know that's that alternate universe type shit that we have 0 control over. Marcelo honestly chooses when he wants to even attempt to parent. He be going on full trips with his family, like his mother, cousins and like nieces and shit. He never takes his kids though. I think he's been on like 2 trips or something with them. Maybe like 3. But the thing is, allllll the other trips he goes on, 9x out of 10 he won't even ask if the kids want to go or if Maria wants to go. And I'm pretty sure he tells his family that Maria says no to everything and he makes her look bad. He is a Class A Narcissist. So if that doesn't tell you. 

ALSO TONIGHT WE SEEN A FUCKING SPACE SHIP OR LIKE SOME TYPE OF ALIEN CRAFT I DON'T KNOW! So like we where getting into the car to go get snacks for the movie right, and like i stood there for a second admiring the stars. And it was like super clear and i was just looking around admiring that shit. And i kind of seen something that looked like strange. Like...i was confused for a second and i kind of made a face and i was like kind of mumbling "whatt is that?" And Celeste stepped out of the car for a second and like kind of screamed ."WHAT???" So basically the sky was clear enough i could see the Big dipper. And the 3 stars that aligned for the side of the big dipper, there was around like 7-10 flashing green dots. They where actually green. How the fuck ? And then it looked like it was moving. They where all in a row, going like straight, that's why i wasn't really sure how many there was because it was moving. An then all of a sudden it got dimmer and straight up disappeared. It was wild. I have never in my life seen anything like that. And me and her looked at each other and i was like, "DID YOU SEE THAT?" She was like ,"WHAT WAS THAT??" And Romeo comes around the car yelling too, "DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?" And like we all seen the same thing and i hadn't said what color it was or anything and Romy described it just as what i seen. Like it happened so fast and I don't even think people will believe me when i talk about it, but...i guess i can say I've seen the first sighting of a Alien in my 24 years of life. Maria was like confused and like almost on the verge of not believing us. And i told them that too, i told them they can tell people about it but they are going to probably not believe us. It was honestly a wild thing for real. And for a while there i was in disbelief that it happened. I think that's why it took so long for my brain to process what i was looking at. Because when i first seen it too i had blink my eyes a few times and realize that it wasn't my fucking imagination. I mean I've always believed in aliens and the belief that we aren't alone in the universe that i now have seen it and can say i stand on it. 

I'm going to help tone learn a new song on the piano, one of my choosing because i think he will be able to legit learn it by sound. Good night. 

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