Part 30

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I realized today that i need to get better at communicating with people and get better accommodating to their emotions. I mean i have gotten much better than what i used to be, but like i still struggle with it. And i sometimes understand that there are some people that need more attention than others in the work world, but i have to be able to talk to them better. The hard part for me is to not instantly reacting in the first way i am used to reacting. I told Alison that her and April should just play rock paper scissors to see who was going to be ringer when April got there. And Alison was like why??  And i told her its because her and April tend to want to argue over who's going to be ringing through the night. She tied to say that there has never been a time she has argues about that or whatever, but like honestly they both argue about everything all the time for absolutely no reason. And she said that that was stupid and that that's some kindergarten shit. But like the thing is, they fight like kids so it makes me want to treat them like grow up you know. I told her "well some people have a tendency to just walk around doing what they want and complain about things that they have to do. Some other people more than others." We had to walk away at that point but like she had, "well that's not my problem!" But like it kind of is. Because of how other people just want to do certain things and get used to certain things, and get too comfortable and don't do their job, THAT is going to effect you. So when April did come in i had her ring, but she also did the cleaning of the front rooms. And she doesn't seem to think she's going to have to do that most of the time. And Alison had to do the floors. And that's also something she's not used to doing a lot but knows how to do. That's the thing, they all know how to do everything and how to do it right. It's the matter of having them do it even though they don't want to. We all have to do shit that we don't want. Alison definitely had a attitude with me all night after that conversation, and April wasn't happy that she had to finish cleaning the rooms after her break. The store also didn't end up looking bad at all either by the time we left. I don't know, seemed like the way i did everything worked fairly well. They weren't happy but like they also did their jobs. So like, i just feel like i could have handled the situation better. And i did end up going to Vanessa and asking her about the situation with me and Alison. And she kind of understood where i was coming from. Then she did tell me that the later person who comes in is technically supposed to take over as ringer, but also we need to do what is the most efficient for the store to get done. I also made it a point to get mine and Alison's break done before April got there and i didn't wait till we were closed to get Aprils break done either. Grant was there tonight as well but he was on SB duty so like i kind of just take care of everything. We even clocked out by 9 even minutes before and we even surpassed budget for the day so we did great. It was a weird day i guess. But as I'm becoming more managerial, i want to learn to control my emotions more, but also be cautious of other peoples as i talk to them about issues. I hope i can get a hold of that. 

 Pushing myself to do the best possible work at work all the time can be hard. But i also have to remind myself that i am good at it, and it's not that hard. Especially when i get in a  groove. But sometimes rude customers or customers in general throw me off. It's so weird, like i like helping people, but when i feel like people aren't even trying to find things it does get on my nerves. Like the store is not that big, just look around for a minute. I mean when I'm shopping anywhere, I've legit try to avoid the employees at all times unless i absolutely can not find something. And sometimes i feel bad because i will get a bit annoyed when people don't understand me because of the language barrier, and i will legit tell myself, "it's not their fault, try to understand and don't get angry" because that can happen a lot. And you know there are a lot of people that work in customer service and get mad at people when they don't understand you, but it's not all their fault. I don't know i do want to try to see things from other point of views, but it's hard because it can be frustrating. One of those things you just need to think before you act. 

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